Search results
3850 packages found
A simple and powerful JavaScript animation library
JavaScript 3D library
- three
- three.js
- javascript
- 3d
- virtual-reality
- augmented-reality
- webgl
- webgl2
- webaudio
- webgpu
- webxr
- canvas
- svg
- html5
GSAP is a framework-agnostic JavaScript animation library that turns developers into animation superheroes. Build high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths,
- GreenSock
- animation
- MotionPathPlugin
- motion
- motionPath
- matchMedia
- easing
- ScrollTrigger
- ScrollSmoother
- Observer
- JavaScript
- PixiPlugin
- CustomEase
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Classify GPU's based on their benchmark score in order to provide an adaptive experience.
stand-alone library of threejs examples
CesiumJS is a JavaScript library for creating 3D globes and 2D maps in a web browser without a plugin.
Getting started? Play directly with the Babylon.js API using our [playground]( It also contains a lot of samples to learn how to use it.
postprocessing wrapper for React and @react-three/fiber
A powerful library for interacting with the API
For usage documentation please visit and choose "loaders".
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
A web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
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- parents
- stable
- es2017
- jsdom
- formatting
- setPrototypeOf
- 256
- import
- functions
- middleware
- ECMAScript 2016
- classname
- css less
- keys
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[![NPM version](]( [![Downloads](](https://n
- 6to5
- invariant
- negative
- ES2019
- banner
- property
- tacit
- computed-types
- look-up
- serialization
- rapid
- 3d
- syntax
- installer
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- workflow
- japanese
- formatting
- east-asian-width
- form-validation
- ES6
- fastclone
- random
- util
- typed
- sharedarraybuffer
- es2018
- wordwrap
- accessibility
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Visualization Toolkit for the Web
- 3d
- visualization
- webgl
- medical
- scientific
- vtk
- paraview
- geometry
- point cloud
- mesh
- gl-vis
- volume
- graphics
- paraviewweb
[ci-image]: [ci-url]: [npm-image]: [npm-url]: https://npmj
- mru
- equality
- regular expressions
- directory
- ReactiveExtensions
- option
- lockfile
- recursive
- setter
- Array.prototype.filter
- look-up
- framer
- concatMap
- ES2016
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url] [![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-im
- fast-deep-clone
- regexp
- tdd
- lesscss
- forEach
- browserlist
- higher-order
- recursive
- error-handling
- dependency manager
- process
- traverse
- cache
- sorted
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[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url] [![coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![License][license-image]][license-url] [![Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
- debugger
- react pose
- slice
- toArray
- superagent
- form-validation
- bluebird
- every
- cache
- handlers
- encryption
- core
- iam
- Int16Array
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