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22 packages found
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
3D model viewer with data encryption
Una librería de definiciones de tipos para la librería @google/model-viewer
Easily add and combine post-processing effects with <model-viewer>!
- ar
- gltf
- glb
- webar
- webvr
- webxr
- arcore
- arkit
- webaronarcore
- webaronarkit
- augmented reality
- model-viewer
- model-viewer-effects
- 3d
- View more
vctrl/hooks is a React hooks package designed to simplify 3D model loading and management within React applications. It's part of the vectreal-core ecosystem and is primarily used in the vctrl/viewer React component and the official website application.
- vectreal
- react
- 3d
- model
- viewer
- react-component
- react-three-fiber
- react-three-drei
- threejs
- react-three-gltf
- gltf
- glb
- usdz
- three-model-loading
vctrl/viewer is a React component library for rendering and interacting with 3D models. It's part of the vectreal ecosystem and is designed to work seamlessly with the vctrl/hooks package for model loading and management.
- vectreal
- react
- 3d
- model
- viewer
- react-component
- react-three-fiber
- react-three-drei
- threejs
- react-three-gltf
- gltf
- glb
- usdz
- model-viewer
基于 ThreeJS 开发的三维模型查看器,支持多种 3D 格式的模型浏览,支持对模型的旋转、平移、缩放等操作
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
Web module for easy introduction of 3D/AR to websites
Fast & Customizable glTF 3D model viewer, packed with full of features!
Easily add and combine post-processing effects with <model-viewer>!
- ar
- gltf
- glb
- webar
- webvr
- webxr
- arcore
- arkit
- webaronarcore
- webaronarkit
- augmented reality
- model-viewer
- model-viewer-effects
- 3d
- View more
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
A fork of google's mode-viewer with custom adjustments
中文代码玩3D three.js
like model-viewer but for .vox models
React components for Augmented Reality on the web.
Easily display scene debugging layers over interactive @google/model-viewer 3D models on the web and in AR!