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917 packages found
Simple and modern async event emitter
Monitor if a component is inside the viewport, using IntersectionObserver API
GSAP is a framework-agnostic JavaScript animation library that turns developers into animation superheroes. Build high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths,
- GreenSock
- animation
- MotionPathPlugin
- motion
- motionPath
- matchMedia
- easing
- ScrollTrigger
- ScrollSmoother
- Observer
- JavaScript
- PixiPlugin
- CustomEase
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Lightweight React bindings for MobX based on React 16.8+ and Hooks
A polyfill for the Resize Observer API
React resize detector
Environment agnostic event emitter
Reactive primitives for observing resizing of HTML elements.
A library for declarative use of Intersection Observer API with Angular
A library for declarative use of Resize Observer API with Angular
Browser-friendly enhanced events most compatible with standard node.js, it's powerful eventable ability.
Polyfills the ResizeObserver API and supports box size options from the latest spec
- ResizeObserver
- polyfill
- ponyfill
- event
- resize
- observer
- typescript
- javascript
- element
- component
- container
- queries
- web components
- front-end
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A Svelte action that monitors an element enters or leaves the viewport or a parent element. Performant and efficient thanks to using Intersection Observer under the hood.
- svelte
- observer
- observing
- intersection
- viewport
- inviewport
- in-view
- in-viewport
- inview
- observe
- waypoint
- intersection-observer
- intersection-observer-api
- performance
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A library for declarative use of Mutation Observer API with Angular
Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers
- client
- component
- css
- custom properties
- custom property
- custom
- dom
- es6
- ie
- ie9
- ie10
- ie11
- internet explorer
- javascript
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Primitives to support using the intersection observer API.
A simple alternative to events and signals with an emphasis on performance.
一个简单的 Javascript 事件管理,支持浏览器端和 node 端。
Observable Proposal implement based on Async Generator (ES 2018) & TypeScript
Watch an object or array for changes