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39 packages found
A viewer for DNA, RNA, and protein sequences that supports many input formats
An extension for Seqviz
A package for converting DNA sequences into RNA
Converts DNA sequences to RNA sequences.
Bionamic molecule library
A library of parsers for interconverting between genbank, fasta, and (eventually) sbol through Teselagen's intermediary json format
This is an ongoing project intended to make it easier to use neural network creation, genetic algorithms, and other data science and machine learning skills.
- rna
- neuron
- weight
- bias
- rede-neural
- neural
- neural-network
- generation
- genetic-algorithm
- genetic
- algorithm
- pooling
- normalize
- learning
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This is an ongoing project intended to make it easier to use neural network creation, genetic algorithms, and other data science and machine learning skills.
- rna
- neuron
- weight
- bias
- rede-neural
- neural
- neural-network
- generation
- genetic-algorithm
- genetic
- algorithm
- pooling
- normalize
- learning
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A viewer for DNA, RNA, and protein sequences that supports many input formats
an open source bioinformatics package for retrieving, processing and analyzing the sequences and structures of biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleotides.
Visualizes RNA secondary structures.
A DNA-RNA-Protein translator library
Pretty visualization for RNA sequences
Nextclade visualisation
- nextclade
- open-source
- science
- opensource
- research
- virus
- sequencing
- dna
- rna
- sequences
- strain
- outbreak
- nextstrain
- ncov
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A general purpose module for parsing FASTA files
A simple module that simulates the life cycle of an amoeba at the molecular level by using a (semi) TRNG.
- amoeba
- life-cycle
- simulation
- protein
- transcription
- translation
- replication
- bioinformatics
- biology
- molecular-biology
- genetics
Parse sequence files (GenBank, FASTA, SnapGene, SBOL) and accession IDs (NCBI, iGEM) to a common format
Web plugin for multiple RNA secondary structure visualization in radial layout
A light weighted tool to retrieve protein or nucleotide sequences based on list of ACCESSION ids from NCBI protein and nuccore database
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