Search results
14 packages found
Interactive Protein Sequence VIsualization/Viewer - Interactive Circos
A dataloader and parser (ProtVista compliant) for proteomics/peptide data imported in UniProt
Protein feature viewer (uniprot annotation, variants, proteomics, ...)
- feature viewer
- uniprot
- biojs
- protein features viewer
- protein feature viewer
- variation
- proteomics
- domains
- protein
A class for standardizing how peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) are handled
A module to provide unimod modifications
A parser for X! tandem xml output files
A general purpose module for parsing FASTA files
A general purpose module for parsing mgf files
neXtProt API and SPARQL client (for node command line interface)
Data of LysinsDB — A manually curated dedicated database of Lysins.
Data of XOKB — A manually curated dedicated xanthomonas oryzae database.
- Xanthomonas oryzae
- Bacteria
- Rice Leaf Blight Disease
- Bioinformatics
- Computational Biology
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Database
Data of AIPKB — A manually curated dedicated database of Aluminum-induced Proteins.
Data of AFPDB — A manually curated dedicated database of Antifreeze Proteins.