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Loading wrapper and TypeScript types for the PayPal JS SDK
React components for the PayPal JS SDK
An easy and simple to use React button component to implement PayPal's Checkout with Smart Payment Buttons V2 (Version 2).
- react-paypal-button-v2
- react
- component
- paypal
- paypal smart buttons
- paypal smart payment buttons
- v2
- version 2
- checkout
- paypal-checkout
- react-paypal
- react-component
- checkout-buttons
- paypal buttons
- View more
React components library with 6 styles, 80 icons, TypeScript support, and a variety of types and formats for easy integration into React applications.
- paypal
- svg
- paymenticons
- mastercard
- credit-card
- icons
- react
- credit
- components
- typescript
- logos
- brands
- icon
- react-component
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React Native wrapper to bridge PayPal iOS and Android SDK
The definitive collection of badges for rendering
- +1
- 60devs
- badge
- badges
- bitcoin
- boost lab
- boostlab
- browser
- buy me a coffee
- buymeacoffee
- coveralls
- crypto
- david
- View more
Displays Credit Card and other payment ways icons!
Paypal Adaptive (Payments & Accounts) SDK in node.js
Package for verifying Paypal IPN messages
React component that renders Paypal's express check out button
- react-component
- react
- react-paypal
- paypal-checkout
- express-checkout
- paypal-express-checkout
- paypal-button
- checkout-button
- paypal-checkout-button
- paypal
- express
- button
- checkout
- check-out
React components library to display logos of major payment brands and methods.
- brands
- card
- components
- credit
- credit-card
- icon
- icons
- logos
- mastercard
- payment
- paypal
- react
- react-component
- svg
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React component that renders Paypal's check out button
- react-component
- react
- react-paypal
- paypal-checkout
- express-checkout
- paypal-express-checkout
- paypal-button
- checkout-button
- paypal-checkout-button
- paypal
- express
- button
- checkout
- check-out
Package for verifying Paypal IPN messages with escaped latin characters.
React native and expo wrapper around braintree sdk fro android and ios
- react-native
- ios
- android
- kotlin
- swift
- expo-braintree
- braintree react-native
- braintree expo
- braintree expo plugin
- braintree ios sdk v6
- braintree swift
- braintree kotlin
- braintree
- paypal
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Simple Express middleware for creating an IPN listener.
LSK.js module for adding billing in cabinet
QuickPos, farklı ödeme sağlayıcılarını destekleyen güçlü bir ödeme entegrasyon modülüdür. Şu anda PayTR, Shopier, Cryptomus, Payeer, Papara sağlayıcısını desteklemektedir ve gelecekte birçok yeni sağlayıcı ile özellik eklemeyi planlamaktadır. Yol haritamı
- quickpos
- multi-gateway
- payment-gateway
- payment
- gateway
- pos
- paytr
- iyzico
- vallet
- shipy
- shopinext
- paywant
- payizone
- weepay
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PayPal (OpenIDConnect) authentication strategy for Passport.
Node SDK with promises and subscription API for PayPal REST v1 APIs
Paypal handler