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33 packages found
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Check if `url` is a badge
The definitive collection of badges for rendering
- +1
- 60devs
- badge
- badges
- bitcoin
- boost lab
- boostlab
- browser
- buy me a coffee
- buymeacoffee
- coveralls
- crypto
- david
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Readme badge templates.
- badge
- badges
- boilerplates
- codeclimate
- coderwall
- coveralls
- david
- doc
- docs
- documentation
- drone
- fury
- generate
- github
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Readme badge templates.
- badge
- badges
- boilerplates
- codeclimate
- coderwall
- coveralls
- david
- docs
- documentation
- drone
- fury
- generate
- github
- markdown
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Check npm dependencies
Generates standard stuff on top of
Generate badges for your readme
Magnet adapter for david
CLI tool to make skeleton files of your project.
- devaid
- devid
- david
- devaid-cli
- devaid-cli-tool
- project-setup
- admin
- cli
- auto
- automatic
- skeleton project
- nodejs
- nodejs boilerplate
- nodejs boilerplate project
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A module that returns the current timestamp as a unique ID.
The definitive collection of badges for rendering
- badges
- badge
- shields
- saucelabs
- sauce labs
- travis
- travisci
- travis ci
- npm
- npm version
- npm downloads
- nodeico
- waffle
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A simple password generator
A stylish reporter for the gulp-david Gulp plugin
I'm a friend first and a boss second. Probably an entertainer third.
retrieve a random name from DFW's monolithic novel Infinite Jest
Package made for testing/learning purposes
A nifty little dashboard that helps you manage your npm dependencies.
Digital calling card for Dave Gill.
> js library by David Hardy
No-nonsense dependency checks for your package.json