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2486 packages found
An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
Blazing fast modern site generator for React
A simpler static site generator.
- static-site-generator
- static-site
- ssg
- documentation
- website
- jekyll
- blog
- templates
- generator
- framework
- eleventy
- 11ty
- html
- markdown
- View more
A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
client for waline comment system
Command line interface for Hexo
A light vuepress theme with tons of features
The professional publishing platform
A self-hosted comment system
✏️ Plug-and-play binary wrapper for Hugo Extended, the awesomest static-site generator.
- hugo
- hugo extended
- gohugoio
- cli
- front-end
- bin
- binary
- wrapper
- static site generator
- static-site
- ssg
- static
- markdown
- blog
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TypeScript utilities to build type-safe queries and fetchers for the Ghost API based on Zod schemas.
TypeScript library for the Ghost Content API with Input and Output type-safety.
TypeScript library for the Ghost Admin API with Input and Output type-safety.
Astro GhostCMS integration to allow easier importing of GhostCMS Content
- astro-component
- astro-integration
- withastro
- astro
- blog
- content
- integration
- ghost
- ghostcms
- ghostcms-theme
- ghost-theme
- astro-theme
An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
Plugin tags used only for Solitude themes
🎈 A simple, lightweight Hexo theme
vercel server for waline comment system
UI Framework with Vue & Animadio
🌱 publish your digital garden and notes as a website