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3242 packages found
Card is a container for text, photos, and actions in the context of a single subject.
A general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers. Base on jquery.payment by @stripe, but without the jQuery.
Parse MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) from identity documents
React component used to group related content
The Material Components for the web card component
Make configurable canvas easily with Canvafy
- canvacord
- discanvas
- canvafy
- discord
- discord.js
- canvas
- rank
- card
- rankcard
- skia-canvas
- skia
- nodejs
- esm
- es6
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Flowbite components for Svelte
- svelte
- sveltekit
- tailwindcss
- flowbite
- ui
- accordion
- alert
- avatar
- badge
- breadcrumb
- button-group
- button
- card
- carousel
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A simple library for credit-card validation in JavaScript
Card is a basic container with some base styling to help seperate elements with different content
Unlimited AI models and Canvas library. Supports ts & js (supports front/back end).
- chat bot
- ai bot
- chatbot
- chat-bot
- ai chat
- ai history
- chatbot history
- chat bot memory
- chat bot roleplay
- roleplay
- custom ai
- openai
- ai
- image-vision
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React components library with 6 styles, 80 icons, TypeScript support, and a variety of types and formats for easy integration into React applications.
- paypal
- svg
- paymenticons
- mastercard
- credit-card
- icons
- react
- credit
- components
- typescript
- logos
- brands
- icon
- react-component
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A personal card for Mack Richardson (@macktropolis)
Card Web Component
Card component
- card
- react-card
- design
- uiw
- uiw-react
- react.js
- react
- react-component
- component
- components
- ui
- css
- uikit
- react-ui
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Potente paquete de manipulación de imágenes para principiantes.
Two dynamic card component for React
A personal card for Richard Hess (@eswat2)
A card component of responsive-ui.
Notch Pay Software Development Kit for Javascript
With more than 85 components, over 45 available plugins, several directives, and 1000+ icons, BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of the Bootstrap v4 component and grid system available for Vue.js v2.6, complete with extens
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap v4
- Bootstrap for Vue
- Vue
- Vue.js
- Vue v2
- Web
- Components
- Directives
- Icons
- Bootstrap Icons
- Accessibility
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