apigum-sdk is npm library for managing integrations between popular cloud applications like Twilio, SendGrid, Shopify and others.
- npm install apigum-sdk --save
- Log into your apigum.com account to obtain your API Key.
- You'll also need to obtain the relevant application keys. For example secret key for Stripe or Subdomain and Api Key for Freshdesk.
- This library makes calls to the apigum REST API.
- This SDK includes a current snapshot of supported integrations. This of course can be overriden by picking up new integration ids @ apigum.com.
Import Module
// Import a module const Integration Apps AppHelper =
const freshdeskCredentials = {} const stripeCredentials = {} //set up credentials freshdeskCredentialsAppsFreshdeskKeysApikey = "<your Freshdesk api key>" freshdeskCredentialsAppsFreshdeskKeysSubdomain = "<your Freshdesk subdomain>" //set up credentials stripeCredentialsAppsStripeKeysSecretkey = "<your Stripe secret key>" //obtain api key at https://account.apigum.com/api const apiKey = "<Your API key>" //create integration instance const integration = apiKey;
Create Integration
const freshdesk = AppHelper; const stripe = AppHelper; integration ; //You may clone other integrations on apigum.com by using the id (last part) in the URL: //e.g.: https://www.apigum.com/Integrations/{integration-id}
Update Integration
const script = fs; integration ;
Sample integration.js
//Integration code for => "Create Freshdesk contact for new Stripe customers" var freshdesk={}; { freshdeskname = stripedescription; freshdeskemail = stripeemail; } { return `{ "name": "", "email": "", "other_emails": [] }`; } module { let actions = ; for let event of eventsbody ; actions; contextres = body: actions ; context; };
Delete Integration
integration ;
Start Running
//by default integrations start running when created //this method may be used if integration has been stopped. integration ;
Stop Running
//suspends integration data synchronization integration ;
For product information please visit our site at https://www.apigum.com