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58 packages found
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A webpack plugin to remove obsolete chunk files in webpack watch mode
Detects outdated browsers and asks users to upgrade to a new version. Handles mobile devices!
Use the opacity property in older Internet Explorer
Convert rgba() values to hex
Replace :nth-child selectors with :first-child+ selectors
Old static asset revision files filter
The fastest way to test if user uses a old browser client.
An object-fit polyfill for Internet Explorer
Middleware to recall previously submitted form values in Node.js and Express.
Hybridify. Hybrids. Create sync or async function to support both promise and callback-style APIs in same time. Using the power of [relike][].
- all
- api
- args
- async
- asynchronous
- callback
- callback-style
- cb
- common
- func
- function
- hybrid
- hybridify
- hybrids
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An npm registry proxy that uses your npm cache to retrieve modules, allowing for offline access to any modules you've previously installed pretty much ever.
Most powerful, flexible and composable router for building enterprise RESTful APIs easily!
- api
- apis
- compat
- compatibility
- compatible
- composability
- composable
- create
- easily
- easy
- enterprise
- express
- flexibility
- flexible
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Predict the age of a string's author
shinnn's ESLint config for maintaining modules that still support Node v0.x
Detects outdated browsers and asks users to upgrade to a new version. Handles mobile devices!
Detects outdated browsers and asks users to upgrade to a new version. Handles mobile devices! And callback.
Brings the old header links back.
never type new again!
- terse
- essential
- new
- old
- simplicity
- constructor
- factory
- function
- native
- wrap
- Object
- Function
- Array
- Number
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Check Old School Runescape world latency.
A wrapper for the OSRS API