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185 packages found
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Sorts CSS declarations fast and automatically in a certain order.
A registry of TypeScript declaration file packages published within the @types scope.
Analyze the exported API for a TypeScript library and generate reviews, documentation, and .d.ts rollups
Zero-config rollup bundler
add some typescript type and re-export some build-in typescript type
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- dev
- develop
- development
- environment
- ide
- interface
- node
- playground
- runtime
- ts
- type
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Sort CSS declarations in a certain order.
Fast and simple way to parse code context for use with documentation from code comments. Parses context from a single line of JavaScript, for functions, variable declarations, methods, prototype properties, prototype methods etc.
The logic of Typings
Add variable declarations for global assignments.
Type definitions for ol-ext
A TypeScript declaration file bundler.
Safely declare a namespace using dot notation
Type definitions for Storyblok's rich-text
TypeScript definition testing library
A Typescript type definition for NPM package json
- .d.ts
- @types
- declaration
- definition
- dev
- develop
- development
- dts
- environment
- ide
- interface
- json
- node
- package
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A (very) simple CLI tool that reads JSON files and creates .d.ts files with their keys/values explicitly defined
PostCSS plugin that adds !important to style declarations safely
esbuild plugin for compiling typescript declarations along with path aliases transformation.
A fast and modern bundler for Node.js and TypeScript.
- anolilab
- assets
- bundle
- bundler
- cjs
- commonjs
- compiler
- css
- declaration
- es6
- esbuild
- esm
- exports
- package.json
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A TypeScript Rollup plugin that bundles declarations, respects Browserslists, and enables seamless integration with transpilers such as babel and swc