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115 packages found
Parse JSON with more helpful errors
Recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them to provide a better Developer Experience
Recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them to provide a better Developer Experience
Maintained fork of later. Determine later (or previous) occurrences of recurring schedules
The best job scheduler for Node.js and JavaScript with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support. Works in Node v12.17.0+, uses worker threads to spawn sandboxed processes, and supports async/await, retries, throttling, concurrency, and cancelab
Like npm-check-updates but supports Lerna monorepos and enforces strict semver values
All HTML attributes known to the Humanity
A friendly matrix library for JavaScript/Typescript
A unique friendly name ID generator with Australian animals
A fork of BreeJS/bree. A Node.js and JavaScript task scheduler with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support. Works in Node v12.17.0+, uses worker threads or process forks, and supports async/await, retries, throttling, concurrency, and cancela
Set operations on human-friendly ranges.
drop-in replacement nanoid with easily distinguishable characters by default and with obscene words filtered out
Recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them to provide a better Developer Experience
Recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them to provide a better Developer Experience
A list of friendly words to use in your app.
FriendlyCaptcha React Implementation
A human-friendly regex builder
Easily remove null, undefined, or any specified values from JSON objects and arrays.
Convert long strings into short, url-safe, hash-like strings. Limited to 32 bits of uniqueness.
All HTML entities which are not email template friendly