Search results
234 packages found
Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
- random
- number
- generator
- rng
- prng
- stats
- d3-random
- probability
- seedrandom
- distribution
- pseudorandom
- uniform
- normal
- gaussian
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Pseudo-random number generators w/ unified API, distributions, weighted choices, ID generation
- binary
- crypto
- datastructure
- distribution
- exponential
- gaussian
- generator
- geometric
- normal
- prng
- random
- typedarray
- typescript
- uniform
Return a normal number `y` and exponent `exp` satisfying `x = y * 2^exp`.
Smallest positive double-precision floating-point normal number.
A collection of probability distribution functions
Normal distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- cdf
- cumulative distribution
- distribution function
- gaussian
- normal
- univariate
- continuous
The minimum base 10 exponent for a normal double-precision floating-point number.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- constant
- const
- mathematics
- math
- double
- dbl
- floating-point
- float
- ieee754
- exponent
- min
- minimum
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Smallest positive normalized single-precision floating-point number.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- constant
- const
- mathematics
- math
- float
- float32
- 32bit
- positive
- nonzero
- min
- minimum
- smallest
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Lognormal distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- cdf
- cumulative distribution
- distribution function
- exponential family
- gaussian
- normal
- lognormal
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Javascript Implementation of Statistical R standalone library rnmath
- statistics
- R
- rstudio
- r studio
- r-studio
- special functions
- bessel
- gamma
- psigamma
- digamma
- trigamma
- polygamma
- beta
- probability
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Two-sample Student's t-Test.
Small math function library
- small
- math
- function
- library
- simple
- number
- avg
- average
- mean
- calculus
- statistics
- numeric
- numerical
- analysis
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Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
- random
- number
- generator
- rng
- prng
- stats
- d3-random
- seedrandom
- distribution
- pseudorandom
- uniform
- normal
- gaussian
- lognormal
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React Native Ringer Mode - Get and set ringer mode on Android devices.
Normal distribution quantile function.
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- probability
- cdf
- inverse
- gaussian
- normal
- percent points
- univariate
- continuous
Normal distribution probability density function (PDF).
- stdlib
- stdmath
- statistics
- stats
- distribution
- dist
- continuous
- probability
- gaussian
- normal
- bell-shape
- univariate
Quickly calculate common statistics on lists of numbers
- statistics
- statistic
- gauss
- lognormal
- normal
- mean
- median
- mode
- standard deviation
- margin of error
- iqr
- quartile
- inter quartile range
Normalize different variable value types - e.g. `"1"` becomes `1`
- browser
- deep
- deeply
- deno
- deno-edition
- deno-entry
- denoland
- es2022
- export-default
- module
- node
- normal
- normalise
- normalize
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Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
- alea
- arr
- array
- bates
- d3-random
- distribution
- el
- element
- exponential
- fisher
- gaussian
- generate
- generate-random-numbers
- generator
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remark plugin to transform references and definitions into normal links and images