Search results
6000 packages found
User-friendly glob matching
Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`
Tiny queue data structure
Robustly get the length of a Typed Array
- typed
- array
- length
- robust
- es
- Int8Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Int16Array
- Uint16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint32Array
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
An ES7/ES2016 spec-compliant `Array.prototype.includes` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
`Array.prototype.concat`, but made safe by ignoring Symbol.isConcatSpreadable
A list of SPDX license identifiers
Which kind of Typed Array is this JavaScript value? Works cross-realm, without `instanceof`, and despite Symbol.toStringTag.
- array
- TypedArray
- typed array
- which
- typed
- Int8Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Int16Array
- Uint16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint32Array
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
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Is this value a JS ArrayBuffer?
An ESnext spec-compliant `Array.prototype.findLastIndex` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
An ESnext spec-compliant `Array.prototype.toSorted` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
An ESnext spec-compliant `Object.groupBy` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
ES spec-compliant shim for ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice
- javascript
- ecmascript
- ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice
- polyfill
- shim
- ArrayBuffer
- array
- buffer
- ArrayBuffer#slice
- slice
- typed array
- es-shim API
Robustly get the byte offset of a Typed Array
- typed
- array
- byteOffset
- byte
- offset
- robust
- es
- Int8Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Int16Array
- Uint16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint32Array
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An ESnext spec-compliant `Array.prototype.findLast` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
Is this value a JS Typed Array? This module works cross-realm/iframe, does not depend on `instanceof` or mutable properties, and despite ES6 Symbol.toStringTag.
- array
- TypedArray
- typed array
- is
- typed
- Int8Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Int16Array
- Uint16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint32Array
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
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A simple list of possible Typed Array names.
- typed
- array
- typedarray
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
- Int8Array
- Int16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Uint16Array
- Uint32Array
- BigInt64Array
- BigUint64Array
Robustly get the byte length of a Typed Array
- typed
- array
- byteLength
- byte
- length
- robust
- es
- Int8Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- Int16Array
- Uint16Array
- Int32Array
- Uint32Array
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Is this value a JS SharedArrayBuffer?
List of binary file extensions