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59 packages found
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React.js Google Maps API integration
- React
- Google Maps
- google maps
- google-maps
- @google-maps
- google-maps-api
- @google-maps-api
- Map
- Maps
- GoogleMap
- react-component
- addons/MarkerClusterer
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React.js Google Maps integration component
- React
- Map
- react-component
- recompose
- hoc
- addons/InfoBox
- addons/MarkerClusterer
- Circle
- DirectionsRenderer
- drawing/DrawingManager
- FusionTablesLayer
- GoogleMap
- InfoWindow
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Return CI job number to run huge tests only on first job
Points, Lines, Boxes, Polygons (also hollow), Ellipses, Circles. RayCasting, offsets, rotation, scaling, bounding box padding, flags for static and ghost/trigger bodies
- javascript
- typescript
- library
- computational-geometry
- alghoritm
- computational-geometry-alghoritm
- collisions
- collision-checking
- concave
- rotation
- angle
- separating-axis-theorem
- bounding-volume-hierarchy
- Circle
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Collision detection for circles, polygons, and points
- Collision
- Separating Axis Theorem
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy
- Circle
- Polygon
- Line
- Shape
- Separating
- Axis
- Theorem
- Bounding
- Volume
A more powerfully custom version of the Google Maps Javascript API built for React. Multiple Datalayer support. GEOJSON Enabled.
- SearchBox
- InfoWindow
- Directions
- Circle
- Polygon
- Polyline
- Marker
- Map
- GoogleMapsMixin
- google maps
- google map
- google-maps
- google-map
- googlemaps
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Fast, tree-shakable, and light-weight React components and hooks for integrating Google Maps API functionality
- react
- maps
- loader
- Marker
- Map
- OverlayView
- AutocompleteService
- autocomplete
- Polygon
- Polyline
- Circle
- Rectangle
- DrawingManager
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React.js Google Maps
- React
- Google Maps
- google maps
- google-maps
- @google-maps
- google-maps-api
- @google-maps-api
- Map
- Maps
- GoogleMap
- react-component
- addons/MarkerClusterer
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React Native multi progress ring and arc component
React SVG Circle Badge with Initials
React.js to wrap google maps with SGL based on react-google-maps
- React
- Map
- react
- recompose
- react-google-maps
- hoc
- InfoBox
- MarkerClusterer
- Circle
- DrawingManager
- GoogleMap
- InfoWindow
- Marker
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React.js Google Maps API integration
- React
- Google Maps
- google maps
- google-maps
- google-maps-api-react-map
- @google-maps
- google-maps-api
- @google-maps-api
- Map
- Maps
- GoogleMap
- react-component
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React.js Google Maps API integration
- React
- Google Maps
- google maps
- google-maps
- @google-maps
- google-maps-api
- @google-maps-api
- Map
- Maps
- GoogleMap
- react-component
- addons/MarkerClusterer
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React.js Google Maps integration component
- React
- Map
- react-component
- recompose
- hoc
- addons/InfoBox
- addons/MarkerClusterer
- Circle
- DirectionsRenderer
- drawing/DrawingManager
- FusionTablesLayer
- GoogleMap
- InfoWindow
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React google maps components
- react
- react-component
- react-google-maps
- google-maps
- places
- drawing
- BicyclingLayer
- Circle
- DirectionsRenderer
- DirectionsService
- GoogleMaps
- InfoWindow
- KmlLayer
- Map
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zero-dependency 2d collision detection for circles, polygons, and points (with SAT and BVH)
- Collision
- Separating Axis Theorem
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy
- Circle
- Polygon
- Line
- Shape
- Separating
- Axis
- Theorem
- Bounding
- Volume
React.js Google Maps API integration
- React
- Google Maps
- google maps
- google-maps
- @google-maps
- google-maps-api
- @google-maps-api
- Map
- Maps
- GoogleMap
- react-component
- addons/MarkerClusterer
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A package filled with data structures, sort algorithms, selections, and more to come
- Data
- Structures
- Sorting
- Algoriths
- Selections
- cache
- Queue
- Time
- Complexity
- stack
- trees
- Binary Trees
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SVG DOM assembler
A JavaScript utility library focusing on aviation