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Get environment variables exposed by CI services
- appveyor
- azure-pipelines
- bamboo
- bitbucket
- bitrise
- buddy
- buildkite
- ci
- circle
- cirrus
- cloudflare
- codebuild
- codefresh
- codeship
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CDK construct to create GitHub Actions self-hosted runners. Creates ephemeral runners on demand. Easy to deploy and highly customizable.
Cdk component that automatically check pull requests
Get environment variables exposed by CI services
- appveyor
- bamboo
- bitbucket
- bitrise
- buddy
- buildkite
- ci
- circle
- cirrus
- codebuild
- codefresh
- codeship
- drone
- environment
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#slack / msteams / email notifications for developer tools: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline
A construct to create an AWS CodeBuild project that can be used to run GitHub Actions workflows
Cdk component that provisions a #slack approval workflow and notification messages on codepipeline state changes
CI/CD on AWS with feature-branch builds, developer-environment deployments, and build status notifications.
The TokenInjectableDockerBuilder is a flexible AWS CDK construct that enables the usage of AWS CDK tokens in the building, pushing, and deployment of Docker images to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). It leverages AWS CodeBuild and Lambda custom re
- aws
- aws-cdk
- aws-cdk-lib
- aws-ci-cd
- aws-codebuild
- aws-ecr
- aws-lambda
- awscdk
- cdk
- cdk-construct
- ci-cd
- cloud-development-kit
- codebuild
- container-image
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Speed-up Lambda function deployment with dependency layers built in AWS
Helper class to hierarchically generate buildspec.yml files.
Get environment variables exposed by CI services
- appveyor
- bamboo
- bitbucket
- bitrise
- buddy
- buildkite
- ci
- circle
- cirrus
- codebuild
- codefresh
- codeship
- drone
- environment
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Sanity Widget for AWS CodeBuild deployments
Dependency manager for private npm modules on s3
This package is used as a demonstrator with AWS CodeBuild to write unit tests.
This is a blank project for TypeScript development with CDK.
CI runner that supports partial build based on file changes from last commit
An AWS CodeBuild project optimized for multiple source repos & any combination of buildspec based scripts from config values