Search results
61 packages found
A user-empowering data visualization Vue 3 components library for eloquent data storytelling
- 3d bar
- Vue
- accelerometer
- age pyramid
- annotator
- candlestick
- chart
- cluster
- dashboard
- data storytelling
- data visualization
- donut evolution
- donut
- dumbbell
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Kendo UI Charts for Angular - A comprehensive package for creating beautiful and interactive data visualization. Every chart type, stock charts, and sparklines are included.
- Angular
- Charts
- Data Visualization
- DataViz
- Kendo UI
- Progress
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Box Plot Chart
- Bullet Chart
- Heatmap Chart
- Line Chart
- Radar Chart
- Range Area Chart
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Feature-rich chart control with built-in support for over 25 chart types, technical indictors, trendline, zooming, tooltip, selection, crosshair and trackball.
- ej2
- syncfusion
- ej2-charts
- TypeScript
- chart
- graph
- financial-chart
- stock-chart
- bullet-chart
- sparkline
- smith-chart
- range-navigator
Data Visualization using React
- react
- reactjs
- d3.js
- d3
- dataviz
- charts
- charting
- svg
- bar-chart
- axis
- brush
- scatter-plot
- area-chart
- sparkline
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A savvy library to create svg elements and charts with ease
- framework agnostic
- svg library
- charts
- donut
- gauge
- svg
- svg charts
- svg element
- line
- circle
- rect
- polygon
- foreignObject
- sparkline
Carbon Charts component library
Carbon Charts component library for React
A lightweight and zero-dependencies pure Node.js sparkline generator
Carbon Charts component library for Svelte
Peity (sounds like deity) is a jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a mini `svg` pie, line or bar chart.
A Node.js toolkit for drawing nice command line tables, gauges, spinners, and sparklines.
A basic Web Assembly sparkline chart
- waveform
- audiowave
- oscillogram
- oscillograph
- audio
- wasm
- web assembly
- c
- sparkline
- chart
- charting
- graph
- graphing
- wav
Sparkline chart which helps compare values across periods
SpreadJS Barcode plugin
Ignite UI React charting components for building rich data visualizations using TypeScript APIs.
- react
- UI components
- charts
- chart
- financial chart
- financial
- pie chart
- piechart
- dashboard
- data visualization
- donut
- area
- bar
- column
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Ignite UI Angular charting components for building rich data visualizations for modern web apps.
- angular
- UI components
- charts
- chart
- financial chart
- financial
- pie chart
- piechart
- dashboard
- data visualization
- donut
- area
- bar
- column
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SpreadJS Barcode plugin
Simple SparkLine Chart
- sparkline
- chart
- data-visualization
- line-chart
- javascript
- typescript
- responsive-charts
- svg-charts
- spark
- graph
- npm-package
Ignite UI Web Components charting components for building rich data visualizations using TypeScript APIs.
- web components
- UI components
- charts
- chart
- financial chart
- financial
- pie chart
- piechart
- dashboard
- data visualization
- donut
- area
- bar
- column
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SpreadJS Barcode plugin