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React components for MapLibre GL JS and Mapbox GL JS
a specification for maplibre styles
a specification for mapbox gl styles
A React binding of mapbox-gl-js
a static geojson plugin for mapbox-gl-draw
A Angular binding of mapbox-gl-js
React components for Mapbox GL JS
Geodesic plugin for Mapbox GL Draw
a free drawing plugin for mapbox-gl-draw
passing drawing mode for mapbox-gl-draw
Reactive Vue3 Mapbox Framework for Vue.js written in TypeScript
React wrapper for mapbox-gl-geocoder for use with react-map-gl
Snapping mode for mapbox-gl-draw
Transform mapbox:// urls in MapboxGL Styles for use in MapLibreGL.
React Component for Mapbox GL JS
Waypoint plugin for Mapbox GL Draw
A custom mode for MapboxGL Draw to cut polygons
A custom mode for MapboxGL Draw to select features with highlighting
A small library for requesting features from an arcgis feature server using tiles
Maplibre (and Mapbox) with Vue 💚