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26 packages found
Allmaps Triangulation Library
GLU tesselator ported to Javascript, performs polygon boolean operations and triangulation
Splits quad or polygon faces into triangles.
triangulates a 2D polyline into a stroke
Finds your current position on planet earth using the wifi access points in your vicinity
triangulates a series of 2D contours
Geocode wifi access points to a latitute and longitude
randomly delaunay-triangulates an image
GLU tesselator ported to Javascript, performs polygon boolean operations and triangulation
Triangulates a complex polygon
Simple javascript module for triangulation.
Triangulates a hypercube into simplices
Parses .poly or .node files and returns a JSON.
FontAwesome's SVG camera as a module
GLU tesselator ported to Javascript, performs polygon boolean operations and triangulation
triangulates a fontpath using poly2tri
- shape2d
- shape
- polygon
- contour
- poly2tri
- triangulate
- triangulation
- tesselate
- tesselation
- fontpath
- outline
- triangles
- tris
generate triangulated meshes from shapefiles and geojson
converts a SVG path to a 3D mesh