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65 packages found
ThreeJS geometry for stroking GeoJSON objects on a sphere
ThreeJS geometry for drawing polygons on a sphere
turf voronoi module
turf collect module
turf triangle-grid module
Globe data visualization as a ThreeJS reusable 3D object. It is the original three-globe NPM package, with a modification to allow a custom typed polygon count, with the intention of optimizing the perfomance for weaker devices
Text To Map usiluje o lepší, strojově zpracovatelné využití částí vyhlášek s výčtem ulic a dalších lokací. Jde o rozšiřitelnou sadu konceptů a nástrojů, které zajistí hladký převod výčtu ulic a jejich rozsahů v lidsky srozumitelném jazyce do strojově zpra
Combines selected Polygons into a single Polygon
2d navigation meshes with pathfinding and funneling
- navigation mesh
- nav
- mesh
- navmesh
- navigation
- polygons
- polygonal navigation mesh
- pathfinding
- path finding
- astar
- funnel
- AI
GLU tesselator ported to Javascript, performs polygon boolean operations and triangulation
Filter points by minimum distance in meters and optionally starting from a specific point
A fast and efficient library for merging multiple polygons in a GeoJSON FeatureCollection
This package draws DGtek footprint polygons & checks the address to be in the footprint. This package provides a number of methods for creating, searching and updating the buildings data in DB. Uses web-worker, remote and local DB. For DGtek provisionin
Add drawing facilities to rpi-led-matrix. Manage sections of the board independently, draw shapes, text, and images.
- raspberry pi
- raspberrypi
- rpi
- rgb matrix
- rgb led matrix
- led matrix
- led board
- led
- leds
- rpi-led-matrix-painter
- effects
- polygons
- typescript
- declarative
Merge two (adjacent) simple polygons into one.
Merge non continuous geojson polygons into multiples concave polygons based on polygons distance.
For DGtek portal only. This package uses Google autocomplete and geolocation to check the address to be in the footprint (DGtek buildings and polygons).
Native ImageMagick CLI for Node.js