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71 packages found
Geometries for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces). Perfect if you want to supercharge your dependency folder... with 30KB of geometries.
An ellipsoid geometry for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces).
An octasphere geometry for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces).
Splits quad or polygon faces into triangles.
Any dimensional alpha shape computation
Create a simplicial complex geometry by revolving a path around Y axis.
Compute normals for a simplicial complex geometry based on faces/cells information.
Extrudes a shape along a path
Merge a list of geometries (simplicial complex) into one geometry and concat all other attributes.
Center a simplicial complex geometry's positions in place and scale them to fill a defined bounding box.
Creates a new geometry with unique vertices for each face.
Computes unique edges for a list of faces.
Simplicial-complex-like geometry builder backed by typed arrays.
a sphere mesh with normals, texture coordinates and indices
a sphere mesh with normals, texture coordinates and indices
an indexed quad mesh with normals and UVs
Topological indexing for simplicial complexes
creates a 3D torus mesh
render simplicial complexes with ThreeJS