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Easy and customizable economy module for your Discord Bot.
- discord
- bot
- discord.js
- economy
- fast
- easy
- easy-eco
- easy-economy
- discord economy
- discord-economy
- discord-economy-super
- discord-js
- discord-eco
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Wraps templates with layouts. Layouts can use other layouts and be nested to any depth. This can be used 100% standalone to wrap any kind of file with banners, headers or footer content. Use for markdown, HTML, handlebars views, lo-dash templates, etc. La
Render templates using any engine. Supports, layouts, pages, partials and custom template types. Use template helpers, middleware, routes, loaders, and lots more. Powers assemble, verb and other node.js apps.
- atpl
- coffee
- compile
- consolidate
- dot
- dust
- dustjs
- dustjs-helpers
- dustjs-linkedin
- eco
- ect
- ejs
- engine
- engines
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Template engine library with fast, synchronous rendering, based on consolidate.
- assemble
- atpl
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- docs
- documentation
- dot
- dust
- dustjs-helpers
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Powerful economy framework for discord bots.
- quick.db
- discord
- discord.js
- discord.js-economy
- quick.db-economy
- eris-economy
- framework
- sqlite
- discord-economy
- discord-eco
- discord-xp
- discord-leveling
- economy
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An easy to use Currency System using Mongo DB.
Precompile ECO templates into JavaScript
Escape and un-escape delimiters in templates. Tested with Lo-Dash, underscore and Handlebars syntax, but could be used with other template engines/syntaxes as well. This is similar to the process used by Yeoman on escaped templates in generators.
- RegExp
- assemble
- atpl
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- demlim
- demlimiter
- demlimiters
- demlims
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Adds support for the Eco templating engine to DocPad.
stitches CommonJS, and ties up other lose ends of web-app development.
Part of the @oaklean suite. It provides all basic functions to work with the `.oak` file format. It allows parsing the `.oak` file format as well as tools for analyzing the measurement values. It also provides all necessary capabilities required for prec
A library to measure the energy consumption of your javascript/typescript code
Khlav is a robust and customizable economy and gambling system for your Node.js applications.
A jest environment to collect energy measurements on source code level during test execution.
easy, lightweight and simple to use log system for node js.
A directory for stable coin addresses for different networks
See current power consumption and power return in Homekit
A library that provides a binary that utilizes the LibreHardwareMonitor library to capture energy measurements on Windows
CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Eco, Mustache, HTML as CommonJS/1.1 Modules
Genel botlar için kullanabileceğiniz bir modüldür.
- economy
- ekonomi
- eco
- database economy
- discord.js
- quick.db
- ms
- parse-ms
- moment
- express
- music
- müzik
- music-buttons
- müzik-buttons