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221 packages found
A class for loading, verifying, and creating plugins. Used by DocPad for years.
Add a REST API to your DocPad project for interacting with DocPad files and documents
Sync the docpad database between docpad instances
Adds support to clean CSS in DocPad.
Adds support for the Jade templating engine to DocPad.
Adds support for Pygments Syntax Highlighting to DocPad
Import your Tumblr content directly into your DocPad database
Adds support for native comments to DocPad
Adds the Web Write Inline GUI/CMS to your DocPad project
Bundle scripts into browserify packages
Adds support for CoffeeKup compilation to DocPad
Adds support for the Handlebars templating engine to DocPad.
Adds support for CoffeeScript to JavaScript compilation to DocPad
DocPad plugin to change URL of asset files to contain hash of contents, allowing for effective caching whilst enabling cache busting when contents change
Adds support for CSON to JSON compilation to DocPad
Create tag pages within DocPad
Adds support for related documents to DocPad
Lets you attach JSON schema to your collection
Adds support for the Move to javascript language to DocPad.
Adds support for the Styl Rework CSS pre-processor to DocPad