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Displays a beginner-friendly message telling your user to upgrade their version of Node
express.js inspired template-engine manager.
- assemble
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- docs
- documentation
- engine
- engines
- express
- front
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Load helpers with patterns, as an object, key-value pair, or module.
Adds support for managing template engines to your base application.
- api
- app
- application
- base
- base-plugin
- baseplugin
- building-blocks
- create
- engines
- framework
- plugin
- plugins
- tool
- toolkit
Utilities from consolidate.js for normalizing engine formats.
Determine if your dependency graph's stated "engines" criteria is met.
Wraps templates with layouts. Layouts can use other layouts and be nested to any depth. This can be used 100% standalone to wrap any kind of file with banners, headers or footer content. Use for markdown, HTML, handlebars views, lo-dash templates, etc. La
System for creating and managing template collections, and rendering templates with any node.js template engine. Can be used as the basis for creating a static site generator or blog framework.
The core assemble application with no presets or defaults. All configuration is left to the implementor.
- assemble
- assembleplugin
- base
- blog
- boilerplate
- boilerplates
- bootstrap
- build
- builder
- cli
- cli-app
- collection
- command-line
- compile
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Convert a version expression to released Node.js versions (by full or partial semver, expression, or package.json engines.node)
Get the rocks out of your socks! Assemble makes you fast at creating web projects. Assemble is used by thousands of projects for rapid prototyping, creating themes, scaffolds, boilerplates, e-books, UI components, API documentation, blogs, building websit
- assemble
- async-helper
- base
- blog
- boilerplate
- boilerplates
- bootstrap
- build
- builder
- collection
- compile
- component
- content
- docs
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Template engines library. Provide an API to adding custom engines from decorators.
Enforce node engine version from package.json
Render templates using any engine. Supports, layouts, pages, partials and custom template types. Use template helpers, middleware, routes, loaders, and lots more. Powers assemble, verb and other node.js apps.
- atpl
- coffee
- compile
- consolidate
- dot
- dust
- dustjs
- dustjs-helpers
- dustjs-linkedin
- eco
- ect
- ejs
- engine
- engines
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Force a specific package manager and node version to be used on a project
Install different versions of dependencies depending on which version of Node you are using
Enforce the NPM and Node versions specified in the package.json 'engines' property.
Fast runtime validation of `engines.node` specified in package.json
outdated versions checker for Node.js engines
Template engine library with fast, synchronous rendering, based on consolidate.
- assemble
- atpl
- cache
- compile
- consolidate
- content
- data
- delimiters
- delims
- docs
- documentation
- dot
- dust
- dustjs-helpers
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