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1.0.2 • Public • Published

aleph1-aurelia-slide-open - Demo

License: MIT Issues NPMVersion NPMDownloads NPMSize

Language grade: JavaScript Total alerts DeepScan grade

aleph1-aurelia-slide-open is an aurelia plugin that allow you to show/hide elements in the page using sliding animation. without setting a fixed height.

this is done by transitioning over max-height from the real element height to 0 and back. default transition is set to max-height 0.25s linear, but can be change via the complex binding.

using the Plugin

yarn add aleph1-aurelia-slide-open


npm install aleph1-aurelia-slide-open

initialize the plugin in your main.js or main.ts.

  import { PLATFORM } from "aurelia-pal";

+    .plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName("aleph1-aurelia-slide-open"));

now in your view just use the custom attribute slide-open:

<div slide-open.bind="shouldBeOpen">Simple usage</div>
<div slide-open="opened.bind: shouldBeOpen; transition.bind: 'max-height 2s ease-in-out'">Complex usage</div>

About the Plugin

This project is bootstrapped by aurelia-cli.

This Aurelia plugin project has a built-in dev app (with CLI built-in bundler and RequireJS) to simplify development.

  1. The local src/ folder, is the source code for the plugin.
  2. The local dev-app/ folder, is the code for the dev app, just like a normal app bootstrapped by aurelia-cli.
  3. You can use normal au run and au test in development just like developing an app.
  4. You can use aurelia-testing to test your plugin, just like developing an app.
  5. To ensure compatibility to other apps, always use PLATFORM.moduleName() wrapper in files inside src/. You don't need to use the wrapper in dev-app/ folder as CLI built-in bundler supports module name without the wrapper.

Note aurelia-cli doesn't provide a plugin skeleton with Webpack setup (not yet), but this plugin can be consumed by any app using Webpack, or CLI built-in bundler, or jspm.

Build Plugin

Run au build-plugin. This will transpile all files from src/ folder to dist/native-modules/ and dist/commonjs/.

For example, src/index.ts will become dist/native-modules/index.js and dist/commonjs/index.js.

Run dev app

Run au run, then open http://localhost:9000

To open browser automatically, do au run --open.

To change dev server port, do au run --port 8888.

To change dev server host, do au run --host

PS: You could mix all the flags as well, au run --host --port 7070 --open

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    • avrahamcool