A fruitmachine helper that binds all the methods in fruitmachine modules to each instance.
published 1.1.0 10 years agoA fruitmachine helpers for creating component layout boundaries
published 1.0.1 9 years agoData compression and decompression support, packing base64 into UTF8 high and low bytes
published 0.0.4 11 years agoA tool to enable A/B testing, feature and QA flags, dark launches, and aid in instant runtime reconfiguration of applications.
published 0.1.8 10 years agoA [ftdomdelegate](http://github.com/ftlabs/ftdomdelegate) [FruitMachine](http://github.com/ftlabs/fruitmachine) helper.
published 2.2.6 6 years agoPolyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs.
published 1.0.6 10 years agoFTColumnflow is a polyfill that fixes the inadequacies of CSS column layouts.
published 1.0.0 10 years agoFTScroller is a cross-browser Javascript/CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support.
published 0.7.0 8 years agoFruitMachine helper that allows different setup and teardown callbacks to be called based on media queries
published 2.0.1 9 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Report results in dot format.
published 0.0.10 6 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Helper module to run WebdriverIO commands synchronously.
published 0.7.3 6 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Adapter for Jasmine testing framework.
published 0.3.8 6 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Adapter for Mocha testing framework.
published 0.6.4 6 years agoA nodejs bindings implementation for selenium 2.0/webdriver
published 4.0.4-5 9 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Helper module to run WebdriverIO commands synchronously.
published 0.4.8-0 9 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Adapter for Mocha testing framework.
published 0.2.12-1 9 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Report results in junit xml format.
published 0.0.1-5 9 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Report results in Allure format.
published 0.0.3-2 9 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Report results in 'spec' format.
published 0.0.1-3 9 years agoA WebdriverIO plugin. Report results in dot format.
published 0.0.5-3 9 years ago