absolution accepts HTML and a base URL, and returns HTML with absolute URLs. Great for generating valid RSS feeds.
published 1.1.0 9 months agoApostrophe's solution for simple vector maps. Subclasses apostrophe-snippets. Uses raphael.js.
published 0.5.3 10 years agoUltra simple "button" component for Apostrophe2. Can be used as an area widget or singleton. Basically a style-able link.
published 0.1.0 10 years agoLog into Apostrophe via weblogin, cosign, shibboleth, basic auth, etc. with an Apache reverse proxy server
published 0.5.5 10 years agoAdds a Tumblr RSS widget to the Apostrophe content management system
published 0.5.13 8 years agoLink your apostrophe project with a spreadsheet in google drive. Sync the data as JSON and store it in its own mongo collection. Takes simple, apostrophe-site configuration in app js. Exposes a command line task and apostrophe UI for initiating a sync.
published 0.1.2 10 years agoAdds an Instagram widget to the Apostrophe content management system
published 0.5.8 9 years ago"On demand" caching that kicks in only when requests arrive simultaneously.
published 1.0.1 3 years agoGenerate and apply "patches" to graft portions of one Apostrophe CMS site into another.
published 0.5.2 10 years agoExpress middleware providing on-demand caching in high traffic situations.
published 1.0.3 3 years agoAdds a Facebook Page RSS widget to the Apostrophe content management system
published 0.5.24 6 years agoAutomagically redirect users to the best page available as an alternative to a 404 Not Found error.
published 0.5.5 8 years agoCAS authentication client and server for the Apostrophe CMS
published 0.5.9 5 years agoAdds a Flickr set widget to the Apostrophe content management system
published 0.5.13 8 years agoAdds a route to your site that performs an apos.get and returns an XML feed of the results
published 0.5.10 10 years agoSplit HTML into two valid fragments wherever a certain selector is matched. Works on the server side.
published 1.1.0 4 years agoThis is for Apostrophe 0.5. It has not yet been ported to 2.x. Feel free to port it.
published 0.1.2 6 years agoA site-wide preferences menu with a custom schema.
published 0.5.23 5 years agoAllows a column of content to be broken up into blocks with independent templates, allowing for sub-columns to alternate with a full width column for instance. Blocks can be added and removed freely.
published 0.5.58 9 years agoBlogging for the Apostrophe content management system
published 2.2.2 3 years agoForce login as "admin" at the start of a new browser session. Only works if the password is still set to "demo", but you should disable this module once you fork our sandbox anyway.
published 0.5.1 10 years ago