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337 packages found
A small fast zlib stream built on [minipass]( and Node.js's zlib binding.
Decompress a HTTP response if needed
Javascript implementation of zip for nodejs with support for electron original-fs. Allows user to create or extract zip files both in memory or to/from disk
Unzip cross-platform streaming API
yet another unzip library for node
High performance (de)compression in an 8kB package
A JavaScript library to zip and unzip files in the browser, Deno and Node.js
- zip
- unzip
- browser
- web
- aes-256
- aes-192
- aes-128
- zip-crypto
- encryption
- zip64
- web-streams
- compression-streams
- web-crypto
- web-workers
- View more
unzip a zip file into a directory using 100% javascript
Extracting archives made easy
Process zip files using streaming API
Extracting archives made easy
A little wrapper on ZipArchive for react-native
Easily unzip an HTTP stream
zip and unzip library for node
yet another unzip library for node
pack and extract .zip archives with emitter
node.js library for reading and extraction of ZIP archives
unzip chrome extension files (*.crx)
A browser-compatible fs module inspired by the Deno fs and @std/fs APIs, based on OPFS implementation.