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1554 packages found
Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces (SPA, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop) in record time
Single-spa lifecycles helper for React apps
Middleware adding support for Single Page Applications to lws
Sets up the default configuration for the aurelia framework and gets you up and running quick and easy.
Quasar Framework - the Global CLI
This module contains all required tools to serve, test and build a framework neutral SPA.
Babel preset for Quasar CLI
Quasar Framework App CLI with Vite
This module contains all webpack-related functionalities for the @leanup/stack.
Asgardeo Auth SPA SDK to be used in Single-Page Applications.
Asgardeo Auth JS SDK to be used in JavaScript and TypeScript applications.
This package contains the Angular framework extension for the @leanup/cli.
Atatus Real User Monitoring and error tracking for single page applications
Easily create data-driven web UI's for Node-RED using any (or no) front-end library.
The Full Stack Universal Typescript Framework
- universal
- universal javascript
- universal typescript
- isomorphic
- isomorphic javascript
- isomorphic typescript
- framework
- typescript
- javascript
- ts
- web components
- widgets
- backend
- sigle page
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svelte router for SPA (history mode only)
AWS CloudFront distribution for frontend web app (spa) optimized.
Handcrafted Library of Tailwind CSS UI Components & Blocks for HTML, React and Vue.
- component-library
- ui-components
- tailwind
- react-components
- vue-components
- tailwindcss
- tailwind-css
- alpinejs
- tailwindui
- tailwind-ui
- tailwind-blocks
- css
- html
- template
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This CLI brings along all required tools to serve, test and build multi framework SPAs