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6000 packages found
JavaScript library for DOM operations
JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
Detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data. Supports browser & node.js environment
An ES2015 mostly-spec-compliant `Reflect.getPrototypeOf` sham/polyfill/replacement that works in as many engines as possible
- Reflect.getPrototypeOf
- Object.getPrototypeOf
- proto
- __proto__
- [[Prototype]]
- getPrototypeOf
- ES5
- shim
- polyfill
- es-shim API
- browser
A library for parsing IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses in node and the browser.
OpenTelemetry Core provides constants and utilities shared by all OpenTelemetry SDK packages.
Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform.
Node.js Buffer API, for the browser
JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes
Public API for OpenTelemetry
ES2015 `Object.assign()` ponyfill
Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties.
Parse and stringify URL query strings
Base class for node which OpenTelemetry instrumentation modules extend
Decode JWT tokens, mostly useful for browser applications.
A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies
Microsoft Azure SDK for JavaScript - Aborter
Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to any available console.log methods
Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.