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36 packages found
提供了下拉刷新、滚动底部加载组件。原生 js 开发,不依赖任何框架,也可以集成到任何框架。
## Project setup ``` npm install ```
no jquey simplified pull to refresh component
Vue component for smooth scrolling, pull to refresh & infinite loading.
It provides an Angular component and a service, for the Pull-To-Refresh feature.
The listview that you need and deserve. It was built for performance, uses cell recycling to achieve smooth scrolling.
- react-native
- react-native-refresh-loadmore-recyclerlistview
- recyclerview
- listview
- flatlist-alternative
- flatlist
- 60fps
- performance
- pulltorefresh
- loadmore
Vue component for smooth scroll, pull to refresh & infinite loading.
A React Native ListView completely written in js, support refresh control and infinite scrolling
- react
- react-native
- react-component
- react-native-component
- listview
- infinite
- pulltorefresh
- pull to refresh
- load more
- scroll
- mobile
- ui
smooth scrolling, pull to refresh and infinite loading, for Angular 1.x
- angular
- scroll
- angular-scroll
- ng-scroll
- ngScroll
- pulltorefresh
- pull to refresh
- pull-to-refresh
- infinite loading
A vue-scroller extend. Add onscroll event
Uniform wrapper for iOS RefreshControl and Android SwipeRefreshLayout.
- alloy
- alloy-widget
- appc-npm
- appcelerator
- headerpullview
- listview
- pulltorefresh
- pullview
- refreshcontrol
- swiperefreshlayout
- tableview
- ticollectionview
- scrolling
- scroller
- performance
- 60fps
- infinite
- pulltorefresh
- snap
- carousel
- iphone
- android
- mobile
- desktop
- firefoxOS
A small JavaScript library for your web and hybrid apps, created to support pull to refresh features
Vue component for native scrolling, pull to refresh & infinite loading.
High-performance rolling Vue components, refresh and unlimited load.
pulltorefresh for react component
A pull to refresh component for Hyperapp forked from PulltoRefresh.js
Vue component for smooth scrolling, pull to refresh & infinite loading.