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Convenience wrapper for ReadableStream, with an API lifted from "from" and "through2"
Convert a string/promise/array/iterable/asynciterable/buffer/typedarray/arraybuffer/object into a stream
Convert a value to a ReadableStream
Regular expression for matching issue references
remark plugin to autolink references like in GitHub issues, PRs, and comments
A stream you can pull data from.
Utility to "pipe" async iterables together
The lodash method `_.pull` exported as a module.
The only file downloader you'll ever need. For node.js and the browser, CLI and library for fast and reliable file downloads.
- fast-download
- partial-download
- parallel-connections
- browser-download
- node-download
- copy-file
- stream-download
- io
- retry-download
- resume-download
- file-downloader
- transfer-speed
- transfer-statistics
- cli-progress
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The iterable toolbox
The iterable toolbox
Run commands and scripts after git pull
GraphQL AMQP Subscriptions
Download any repository or subdirectory on GitHub with support for Node.js and the CLI
A TailwindCSS plugin for breaking out of containers.
Flexible slideout menu for mobile webapps
Like _.pullAll but with globs (wildcards)
Transform arrays of objects into arrays with a maximum length
Batteries-included utility functions to work with async iterables available in ES2018/TypeScript
Install package.json dependencies whenever needed after a git merge