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Load modules on demand (lazy load) with angularJS
Angular service & directive for (Offline storage, improved.)
AngularJS auto-complete plugin
Gulp version of grunt-angular-translate. Simply extract all the translation keys for angular-translate project created by Pascal Precht.
- gulpplugin
- angularJS
- angular
- angular-translate
- gulp
- javascript
- js
- translate
- i18n
- l10n
- localisation
- translation
- internationalization
- internationalisation
An angularJS module for sending application telemetry to Microsoft Application Insights
- angularJS
- app insights
- appinsights
- application insights
- Microsoft Appinsights
- Microsoft Application Insights
- telemetry
- log collection
- metrics
- tracking
- analytics
- crash
- analysis
- applicationinsights
AngularJS module for Microsoft Application Insights Javascript v2 SDK
- Application Insights
- AngularJS
- angularJS
- app insights
- appinsights
- application insights
- Microsoft Appinsights
- Microsoft Application Insights
- telemetry
- log collection
- metrics
- tracking
- analytics
- View more
Translate values of key-value pairs of an Angular-Translate JSON File into Pseudo
Angular 1.5+ decorators for writing Angular2 like.
Build tool for AngularJS projects as a node module to be reusable and able to update. Write once, use everywhere! ;)
AngularJS datepicker plugin
Right click context menu for AngularJS
A Library of AngularJS Components Implementing Boostrap 4
An AngularJS module that uses the publish/subscribe pattern allowing your controllers to listen for events in your factories/directives/etc
Small directive for angular, to implement a console that's able to execute commands.
A collection of helper functions for writing AngularJS unit tests.
Short syntax html data binding + templating solution using javascript, a variation of rivetsjs and tinybind.
- kick
- kickjs
- @radkick/kick
- html bind
- js bind
- javascript bind
- rivets
- tinybind
- knockout
- vuejs
- angular
- angularJS
- react
A helper generator for gulp-angular to create sub tasks like controllers and directives
Cookie consent a Vanilla JS plugin which meets General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
Short syntax html data binding + templating solution using javascript, a variation of rivetsjs and tinybind.
- jskick
- kickjs
- kick
- @radkick/kick
- html bind
- js bind
- javascript bind
- rivets
- tinybind
- knockout
- vuejs
- angular
- angularJS
- react
An angularJS modal directive / service