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The tiny framework for building hypertext applications.
Most lightweight CSS in JS library ever.
Declarative routing for Hyperapp V1 using the History API.
@magic core. generate static pages and serverless lambdas. ~5kb client boilerplate.
@magic-libraries/preventDefault, effect usable to call event.preventDefault. Preinstalled in @magic/core.
jamstack generator. html + css + js boilerplate: ~15kb.
Fork of the tiny framework for building web interfaces. use hyperapp instead!
Render Hyperapp to an HTML string with SSR and Node.js streaming support
Plugin for integrating hyperapp components in Piral.
Write HTML with plain functions.
A light-weight Elm-like alternative for Redux ecosystem, inspired by Hyperapp, Elmish, Elm, Redux, etc. Working with any vdom library!
hyperapp HOA to utilize redux-devtools-extension for time travel debugging capabilities
@magic-modules/git-list. shows a list of git repositories belonging to a github/gitlab org.
@magic-modules/library-list. displays a list of all @magic-libraries libraries.
localstorage backed client key value database for @magic.
@magic-modules/theme-list. displays a list of all @magic-themes.
utility for forms and form-validation in hyperapp
xatto is View Layer Library based on Function and Context using VirtualDOM. This is developed by forking from jorgebucaran/superfine.
Draw SVG with plain functions.
@magic try-catch library. returns errors instead of throwing them.