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Tiny, browser-compatible mongo id shortener
Mongoose plugin to validate that ObjectID references refer to objects that actually exist in the referenced collection
mongodb objectid utilities
Id equality assertions for chai
Generate unique identifiers like MongoDB does
GraphQLObjectId - GraphQL scalar for mongodb ObjectId
Library to help you create a Snowflake Id or parse the same.
Joi validator with Mongo ObjectId
MongoDB ObjectId validator and parser for NestJS
A little module that replaces a long ObjectId value with short one keeping uniqueness. A charset for conversion is fully configurable and does not depend on requirement of 64 symbols. So it is possible to use only letters, letters+digits, digits etc.
Use MongoDB ObjectID without installing bson.
A MongoDB specification based implementation of ObjectID
A fast and small module that generates a random ObjectId as a hex string.
Make Mongoose support finding in reference fields.
Validates a MongoDB ObjectID. Takes a string, returns a bool.
A joi extension to validate MongoDB's ObjectIDs
Create predictable ObjectIds
objectId to timestamp, in `ms`.
A Joi extension to validation MongoDB ObjectId formats