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28 packages found
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gl-matrix's vec2, split into smaller pieces
gl-matrix's vec3, split into smaller pieces
gl-matrix's mat4, split into smaller pieces
gl-matrix's mat2, split into smaller pieces
gl-matrix's mat3, split into smaller pieces
interpolates two matrices in place
gl-matrix's vec4, split into smaller pieces
gl-matrix's quaternion, split into smaller pieces
- ecosystem:stackgl
- gl-matrix
- matrix
- math
- gl
- mat4
- mat4x4
- 4x4
- quat
- quaternion
- slerp
- spherical interpolation
- mat
- vector
standalone spherical linear interpolation
Inverts a matrix in gl-matrix format of any dimension
copies a 2-dimensional vector (array)
monkey patch CanvasRenderingContext2D to include a getTransform method
Converts gl-matrix mat4 objects into css matrix3d transform strings
A fast and elegant vector/matrix calculation framework for JavaScript and friends
gl-matrix's mat4, split into smaller pieces
A bunch of typescript/js utils for JS game development
gl-matrix style functions for 3D axis-aligned bounding boxes
interpolates two 4x4 matrices
gl-matrix's vec3, split into smaller pieces, converted to c header files
gl-matrix's quaternion, in c, split into smaller pieces
- ecosystem:stackgl
- gl-matrix
- matrix
- math
- gl
- mat4
- mat4x4
- 4x4
- quat
- quaternion
- slerp
- spherical interpolation
- mat
- vector