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442 packages found
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Compare items in two sequences to find a longest common subsequence
Use double-position gradients in CSS
Use interpolation methods in CSS gradient functions
- color
- color space interpolation
- conic
- css
- gradients
- hue interpolation method
- interpolation
- linear
- postcss
- postcss-plugin
- radial
- repeating
- syntax
turf line-slice module
Multidimensional Arrays
- ndarray
- array
- multi
- multidimensional
- dimension
- higher
- image
- volume
- webgl
- tensor
- matrix
- linear
- algebra
- science
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Simple Statistics
node.js implementation of James Coglan's "Sylvester" matrix math library.
Common operations for ndarray arrays
Multilinear interplation for ndarrays
bare-bones linear interpolation function
grab bag of easing equations
Copy values from x into y.
LU decomposition using the crout algorithm
standalone spherical linear interpolation
Component-wise operations on ndarrays
Finds all zero crossings in a 1D ndarray
Exactly solve a low dimensional linear system
Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ╭┈╯ with no dependencies
- asciichart
- ascii
- chart
- charting
- charts
- console
- terminal
- draw
- box-drawing
- box drawing
- drawing
- stats
- line
- linear
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decomposes a 3D matrix