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1027 packages found
Compile class and object decorators to ES5
Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
Decorators and some other features for sequelize
Common, generic types, interfaces & mixins
Framework aimed to provide useful TypeScript decorators to implement controllers, services and request handlers, built with Fastify.
Configuration support
Data type registry for runtime validation, reflection and binding.
Declarative api for RESTful APIs with support for the dependency injection module.
Datastore abstraction for core operations.
Dependency registration/management and injection support.
Create a discord bot with TypeScript and Decorators!
Datastore abstraction for advanced query support.
Async-aware state management, maintaining context across asynchronous calls.
Rest authentication integration support for the Travetto framework
Declarative test framework
Bullet-proof TS even more
Typescript class decorators for class-style vuex modules.
Applies the TypeScript compiler during Vite transform build phase.
A library for caching with decorators
Create and interact with Typescript metadata decorators