DefinitelyTyped icon, indicating that this package has TypeScript declarations provided by the separate @types/consolidate package

1.0.4 • Public • Published


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Modern and maintained fork of the template engine consolidation library. Maintained and supported by Forward Email, the 100% open-source and privacy-focused email service.

NOTE: This package @ladjs/consolidate also mirrors to consolidate on npm, however you should upgrade to @ladjs/consolidate as we may deprecate consolidate in the future.


npm install @ladjs/consolidate


Some package has the same key name, @ladjs/consolidate will load them according to the order number. By example for dust, @ladjs/consolidate will try to use in this order: dust, dustjs-helpers and dustjs-linkedin. If dust is installed, dustjs-linkedin will not be used by @ladjs/consolidate.

Name cons.* Package Name / Order Website / State
atpl npm install atpl -
bracket npm install bracket-template -
dot npm install dot (website)
dust npm install dust (1) (website) / (unmaintained)
See: dustjs-linkedin
dust npm install dustjs-helpers (2) or
npm install dustjs-linkedin (3)
eco npm install eco /!\ Security issue
ect npm install ect (website)
ejs npm install ejs (website)
eta npm install eta (website)
hamlet npm install hamlet -
hamljs npm install hamljs -
haml-coffee npm install haml-coffee -
handlebars npm install handlebars (website)
hogan npm install hogan.js (website)
htmling npm install htmling -
jade npm install jade (website) / (renamed pug)
jazz npm install jazz -
jqtpl npm install jqtpl (deprecated)
just npm install just -
liquid npm install tinyliquid (website)
will never add any new features
liquor npm install liquor -
lodash npm install lodash (website)
marko npm install marko (website)
mote npm install mote (website)
mustache npm install mustache -
nunjucks npm install nunjucks (website)
plates npm install plates -
pug npm install pug (website) / (formerly jade)
qejs npm install qejs -
ractive npm install ractive -
razor npm install razor -
react npm install react -
slm npm install slm -
squirrelly npm install squirrelly (website)
swig npm install swig (1) (unmaintained)
See: swig-templates
swig npm install swig-templates (2) -
teacup npm install teacup -
templayed npm install templayed (website)
toffee npm install toffee -
twig npm install twig (wiki)
twing npm install twing (website)
underscore npm install underscore (website)
vash npm install vash -
velocityjs BETA (website)
walrus npm install walrus (website)
whiskers npm install whiskers -

NOTE: you must still install the engines you wish to use, add them to your package.json dependencies.


All templates supported by this library may be rendered using the signature (path[, locals], callback) as shown below, which happens to be the signature that Express supports so any of these engines may be used within Express.

NOTE: All this example code uses cons.swig for the swig template engine. Replace swig with whatever templating you are using. For example, use cons.hogan for hogan.js, cons.pug for pug, etc. console.log(cons) for the full list of identifiers.

const cons = require('@ladjs/consolidate');

cons.swig('views/page.html', { user: 'tobi' }, function(err, html) {
  if (err) throw err;

Or without options / local variables:

const cons = require('@ladjs/consolidate');

cons.swig('views/page.html', function(err, html) {
  if (err) throw err;

To dynamically pass the engine, simply use the subscript operator and a variable:

const cons = require('@ladjs/consolidate');

const name = 'swig';

cons[name]('views/page.html', { user: 'tobi' }, function(err, html) {
  if (err) throw err;


Additionally, all templates optionally return a promise if no callback function is provided. The promise represents the eventual result of the template function which will either resolve to a string, compiled from the template, or be rejected. Promises expose a then method which registers callbacks to receive the promise's eventual value and a catch method which the reason why the promise could not be fulfilled. Promises allow more synchronous-like code structure and solve issues like race conditions.

const cons = require('@ladjs/consolidate');

cons.swig('views/page.html', { user: 'tobi' })


const cons = require('@ladjs/consolidate');

const html = await cons.swig('views/page.html', { user: 'tobi' });


To enable caching simply pass { cache: true }. Engines may use this option to cache things reading the file contents, compiled Functions etc. Engines which do not support this may simply ignore it. All engines that consolidate implements I/O for will cache the file contents, ideal for production environments. When using consolidate directly: cons.swig('views/page.html', { user: 'tobi', cache: true }, callback); Using supported Express versions: app.locals.cache = true or set NODE_ENV to "production" and Express will do this for you.

Express example

const express = require('express');
const cons = require('@ladjs/consolidate');
const app = express();

// assign the swig engine to .html files
app.engine('html', cons.swig);

// set .html as the default extension
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');

const users = [];
users.push({ name: 'tobi' });
users.push({ name: 'loki' });
users.push({ name: 'jane' });

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.render('index', {
    title: '@ladjs/consolidate'

app.get('/users', function(req, res) {
  res.render('users', {
    title: 'Users',
    users: users

console.log('Express server listening on port 3000');

Template Engine Instances

Template engines are exposed via the cons.requires object, but they are not instantiated until you've called the cons[engine].render() method. You can instantiate them manually beforehand if you want to add filters, globals, mixins, or other engine features.

const cons = require('@ladjs/consolidate');
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks');

// add nunjucks to requires so filters can be
// added and the same instance will be used inside the render method
cons.requires.nunjucks = nunjucks.configure();

cons.requires.nunjucks.addFilter('foo', function() {
  return 'bar';


  • If you're using Nunjucks, please take a look at the exports.nunjucks.render function in lib/consolidate.js. You can pass your own engine/environment via options.nunjucksEnv, or if you want to support Express you can pass options.settings.views, or if you have another use case, pass options.nunjucks (see the code for more insight).
  • You can pass partials with options.partials
  • For using template inheritance with nunjucks, you can pass a loader with options.loader.
  • To use filters with tinyliquid, use options.filters and specify an array of properties, each of which is a named filter function. A filter function takes a string as a parameter and returns a modified version of it.
  • To use custom tags with tinyliquid, use options.customTags to specify an array of tag functions that follow the tinyliquid custom tag definition.
  • The default directory used with the include tag with tinyliquid is the current working directory. To override this, use options.includeDir.
  • React To render content into an HTML base template (eg. index.html of your React app), pass the path of the template with options.base.


Name Website
Forward Email
TJ Holowaychuk


MIT © TJ Holowaychuk



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