
0.1.39 • Public • Published


This repository contains Vue component which provides additional features for tabulator regarding filtering, sorting, UI etc.


Component provides additional step in column filtering, filter operation can be selected (eg. contains, greater or equal etc.). It provides columns layout and selected filters saving to local storage (last selected filters and columns layout are saved automatically). Multi-column sort and columns toggling are also supported.

Column customization

Supertab reads column configuration from headerFilterParams column property.

Column option Short description Value type Available values
columnType Column value type int 1 (TEXT), 2 (NUMERIC), 3 (SELECT), 4 (DATETIME), 5 (BOOLEAN)
defaultFilter Default filter type which will be pre-selected string startsWith, greaterOrEqual, lowerOrEqual, eq, neq, contains, notContains, endsWith, included, notIn
isRange Enable filter by range boolean false is default
values Option is used to show available options in case column is filtered by SELECT option array[] [{text: 'Option 1', value: 1}]

Package installation:

npm install @supertab/supertab-beta


Plugin initialization

Initialize supertab plugin in main.js

import SupertabPlugin from '@supertab/supertab-beta'

Vue.use(SupertabPlugin, {
  locale: 'sr'

NOTE: Currently supported english (en) and serbian (sr) plugin localization.

One-time auth configuration

If getting data for table requeires authorization, configure methods for retrieving refresh and access token, setting access token and refresh token API endpoint.

    locale: 'sr',
    refreshTokenUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/api/example/token/refresh',
    getRefreshToken: getRefreshToken,
    getAccessToken: getAccessToken,
    setAccessToken: setAccessToken,
    isValidUser: isUserActive

Supertab component configuration

Configuration which can be passed to Supertab component as props is listed bellow:

Prop Short description Type Requeired
ref Access component through refs string Yes
refName Represents name of component ref. Same value like ref attribute string Yes
supertabKey Unique table key string Yes
data Data for table Array Yes
options Table configuration Object Yes
layouts Array of predefined layouts and filters Array No
<Supertab ref='tabulator' refName='tabulator' supertabKey='localTabulator' v-bind:data="data" v-bind:options="tabulatorOptions" class="tabulator-root" ></Supertab>

Basic example:

Tabulator options example:

tabulatorOptions: {
    layout: 'fitColumns',
    responsiveLayout: true,
    pagination: 'local',
    resizableColumns: 'header',
    layoutColumnsOnNewData: true,
    ajaxFiltering: false,
    ajaxSorting: false,
    paginationSizeSelector: [10, 25, 50],
    paginationSize: 10,
    columns: [
            title: 'Name',
            field: 'name',
            headerSort: true,
            headerFilterParams: {
                columnType: ColumnFilterType.TEXT,
                defaultFilter: 'contains'
            hozAlign: 'left',
            cssClass: 'multi-line-cell'
            title: 'Change in % (last 24h)',
            field: 'percent_change_24h',
            headerSort: true,
            hozAlign: 'left',
            headerFilterParams: {
                columnType: ColumnFilterType.NUMERIC,
                defaultFilter: 'greaterOrEqual'
            visible: false
            title: 'Category',
            field: 'category',
            headerSort: true,
            hozAlign: 'left',
            formatter: (cell, formatterPatern, renderer) => {
                if (cell.getValue() === 1) {
                    return 'Category One'
                if (cell.getValue() === 2) {
                    return 'Category Two'
                if (cell.getValue() === 3) {
                    return 'Category Three'
                return 'Category Unknown'
            headerFilterParams: {
                columnType: ColumnFilterType.SELECT,
                        text: 'Category 1',
                        value: 1
                        text: 'Category 2',
                        value: 2
                        text: 'Category 3',
                        value: 3
            visible: false

NOTE: Attribute supertabKey must be unique per application due it is used to store tabulator filters, layouts and sorts by this key.

Predefined filters and layouts: Multiple predefined filters and layouts can be defined through the configuration. Predefined filters and layouts should be passed as attribute value to Supertab component (:layouts attribute). JSON contains 2 arrays under filter and layout name with keys columns and filters. Under columns, put array which represents tabulator columns configuration with main properties (field, title, headerSort, hozAlign, visible). Under filters, put array of objects with following properties: field, title, inputFilterType, inputFilterValue. inputFilterType uses value from one of available filter codes startsWith, greaterOrEqual, lowerOrEqual, eq, neq, contains, notContains, endsWith, included, notIn.

Example of predefined filters and layout:

'Layout/filter name': {
    columns: [
            field: 'id',
            title: 'Id',
            headerSort: true,
            hozAlign: 'left',
            visible: true
            field: 'name',
            title: 'Name',
            headerSort: true,
            hozAlign: 'left',
            visible: true
            field: 'category',
            title: 'Category',
            headerSort: true,
            hozAlign: 'left',
            visible: false
    filters: [
            title: 'Name',
            field: 'name',
            inputFilterType: 'notContains',
            inputFilterValue: 'coin'
            title: 'Category',
            field: 'category',
            inputFilterType: 'included',
            inputFilterValue: [
'Another filter': {
    columns: [],
    filters: [
            title: 'Name',
            field: 'name',
            inputFilterType: 'contains',
            inputFilterValue: 'coin'
            title: 'Category',
            field: 'category',
            inputFilterType: 'included',
            inputFilterValue: [

Initial filters: To setup initial filters for each column set initialFilters property inside headerFilterParams property. initialFilters value should be type of Object, where property names are names of filter operations and values of those properties are filter values.

Example columns options with initial filters:

tabulatorOptions: {
    layout: 'fitColumns',
    responsiveLayout: true,
    pagination: 'local',
    resizableColumns: 'header',
    layoutColumnsOnNewData: true,
    ajaxFiltering: false,
    ajaxSorting: false,
    paginationSizeSelector: [10, 25, 50],
    paginationSize: 10,
    columns: [
            title: 'Id',
            field: 'id',
            headerSort: true,
            headerFilterParams: {
              columnType: ColumnFilterType.NUMERIC,
              defaultFilter: 'contains',
              initialFilters: {
                included: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
            hozAlign: 'left'
            title: 'Name',
            field: 'name',
            headerSort: true,
            headerFilterParams: {
              columnType: ColumnFilterType.TEXT,
              defaultFilter: 'contains',
              initialFilters: {
                contains: 'coin'
            hozAlign: 'left',
            cssClass: 'multi-line-cell'

Filters format sent to backend:

Operation Query string format
Greater or equal columnName=gte.filterValue
Lower or equal columnName=lte.filterValue
Equal columnName=eq.filterValue
Not equal columnName=neq.filterValue
Contains columnName=cs.filterValue
Not contains columnName=ncs.filterValue
Ends with columnName=enw.filterValue
Starts with columnName=stw.filterValue
Included columnName=in.(filterValue1, filterValue2, ...)
Not Included columnName=nin.(filterValue1, filterValue2, ...)

More resources:

NPM package page


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  • supertab