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3.0.10 • Public • Published


HTTP status errors with default message, instanceof, stack and nested error support. Lightweight, typical usage between 500b and 1300b. Includes convenience typeguards, optional contextual info and a built-in serializer to cover cross-environments challenges (RSC, SSR...).

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👉 Official website, GitHub Readme or generated typedoc.


By named imports

Explicit named imports are prefixed by Http to ease IDE experience. Message is optional and default to the default message. Additional parameters are supported.

import { HttpNotFound, HttpBadRequest } from "@httpx/exception";

const e = new HttpNotFound();
// 👉 e.message     -> 'Not found' (default message)
// 👉 e.statusCode  -> 404
// 👉 -> e instanceof HttpNotFound (and HttpClientException, HttpException and Error)

const e400 = new HttpBadRequest("Problems parsing JSON");
// 👉 e.message     -> 'Problems parsing JSON'
// ...

By status code

The createHttpException function allows to create an exception from an arbitrary status code.

import { createHttpException } from "@httpx/exception";

const e404 = createHttpException(404); // e404 instanceof HttpClientException
const e500 = createHttpException(500); // e500 instanceof HttpServerException

Additional parameters can be provided as a second argument.

import { createHttpException, HttpNotImplemented } from "@httpx/exception";

throw createHttpException(404, "The graal is yet to find !");

const e500 = createHttpException(500, {
  message: "Something really wrong happened.",
  url: "https://api.dev/gateway",
  cause: new HttpNotImplemented(), // or any Error...


Http exceptions and createHttpException accept a parameter of type string | HttpExceptionParams. If no parameter is provided the default message is used.

Error context

It's possible to attach informational context to an exception. This is particularly useful when used with centralized logging / error reporting.

HttpExceptionParams Type Description
statusCode number Http error status code (400-599).
message string Default or provided message.
url string? Origin url..
method HttpMethod? Origin http method.
code string? Custom error code (not to be confused with statusCode).
errorId string? Unique custom error id.
stack string? @see Error.prototype.stack on MDN.
cause Error? @see about error cause
issues HttpValidationIssues[]? Only supported by HttpUnprocessableEntity (422)


import { HttpGatewayTimeout, HttpInternalServerError } from "@httpx/exception";

const e500 = new HttpInternalServerError({
  url: "https://api.dev/gateway",
  method: "GET",
  errorId: nanoid(),
  // 👉 nesting
  cause: new HttpGatewayTimeout({
    message: "This Serverless Function has timed out",
    errorId: "cdg1::h99k2-1664884491087-b41a2832f559",


All parameters are exposed as properties.

HttpException Type Description
statusCode number Http error status code (400-599).
message string Default or provided message.
url string? Origin url..
method HttpMethod? Origin http method.
code string? Custom error code (not to be confused with statusCode).
errorId string? Unique custom error id.
stack string? @see Error.prototype.stack on MDN.
cause Error? @see about nested errors
issues ValidationIssues[]? Only supported by HttpUnprocessableEntity (422)
import { HttpUnprocessableEntity } from "@httpx/exception";

const e422 = new HttpUnprocessableEntity({
  message: "Request validation failed",
  url: "https://acme.org/api/user/create",
  method: "POST",
  issues: [
    // typed as ValidationIssues[]
      message: "Invalid address",
      path: ["addresses", 0, "line1"],
      code: "empty_string",

// 👉 e422.issues
// 👉 e422.method === 'POST'
// ...

Nested errors

When creating a http exception, it's possible to attach the original error to the native Error.cause property.

const e = new HttpBadRequest({
  // 👉 nesting
  cause: new TypeError({
    message: "Param validation failed",
    // 👉 nesting: multiple levels are supported
    cause: new NoSuchUser("User id is invalid"),

Error cause is supported by >93% of browsers as of 12/2023. NodeJs supports it since 16.17. Nested cause will simply be discarded if not supported (no runtime error). The error-cause-polyfill can be installed if not provided already by your framework.

Static members

All exceptions have a static STATUS readonly property.

import { createHttpException, HttpMethodNotAllowed } from "@httpx/exception";

const { statusCode } = createHttpException(405);
switch (statusCode) {
  case HttpMethodNotAllowed.STATUS:
    console.log(statusCode); // 👉 405

Instanceof checks

Http exceptions extends the native Error class through HttpException and either HttpServerException and HttpClientException.

import { createHttpException } from "@httpx/exception";

const e404 = createHttpException(404);
// 👉 e instanceof Error === true
// 👉 e instanceof HttpException === true
// 👉 e instanceof HttpClientException === true
// 👉 e instanceof HttpNotFound === true
// 👉 e instanceof HttpServerException === false

Class diagram

    Error <|-- HttpException
    Error: +string message
    Error: +string? stack
    Error: +unknown cause
    HttpException : +int statusCode
    HttpException : +String url
    HttpException : +Error? cause
    HttpException <|-- HttpClientException
    HttpException <|-- HttpServerException
    HttpClientException <|-- HttpNotFound
    HttpServerException <|-- HttpInternalServerError
    HttpNotFound : 404 statusCode
    HttpInternalServerError: 500 statusCode


Instanceof alternatives

While the usage of instanceof is preferred, the isHttpException, isHttpClientException and isServerException can be used in place. They will check for instance and will also ensure that the associated statusCode is actually valid.

import {
} from "@httpx/exception";

// True
isHttpException(new HttpNotFound());
isHttpClientException(new HttpNotFound());
isHttpServerException(new HttpInternalServerError());

// False
isHttpClientException(new HttpInternalServerError());
isHttpServerException(new HttpNotFound());
isHttpException(new Error());
  new (class extends HttpServerException {
    constructor() {
      super(400); // 400 isn't a server exception


import { isHttpErrorStatusCode } from "@httpx/exception";

// True
// False


Exceptions can be (de-)serialized to json or other formats. Use cases varies from ssr-frameworks (ie: nextjs getServerSideProps) / loggers (sentry, winston...).

Nested error causes are supported but ignored if not supported by the runtime.

Additionally, you can pass any native errors (Error, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError) as well as a custom one (the later will be transformed to the base type Error).

⚠️ Since v3.0.0:

For security reasons stack traces won't be serialized anymore by default as they might contain sensitive information in production. To opt-in selectively for stack traces serialization (ie: development or logging) convertToSerializable, createFromSerializable, toJson and fromJson functions accepts a SerializerParams.includeStack param as second argument.


import { fromJson, toJson } from "@httpx/exception/serializer";

const e = new HttpForbidden();

const json = toJson(e); // string
const deserialized = fromJson(json);

// e === deserialized

Tip See also how to integrate with superjson

Example for stack traces serialization.
import { fromJson, toJson } from "@httpx/exception/serializer";

// To include stack traces (not safe in production)
const jsonWithStack = toJson(new HttpException(500), {
  includeStack: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",

const eWithStrack = fromJson(json, {
  includeStack: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",


Same as JSON but before json.parse/stringify. Allows to use a different encoder.

import {
} from "@httpx/exception/serializer";

const e = new HttpForbidden({
  cause: new Error("Token was revoked"),

const serializableObject = convertToSerializable(e);
const deserialized = createFromSerializable(serializableObject);
// e === deserialized
Example for stack traces serialization.
import {
} from "@httpx/exception/serializer";

const serializableObject = convertToSerializable(e, {
  includeStack: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
const deserialized = createFromSerializable(serializableObject, {
  includeStack: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",

Default messages

Messages are inferred from the Http exception class name. They are compatible with the popular statuses package.

Status Class Message
400 HttpBadRequest Bad request
401 HttpUnauthorized Unauthorized
402 HttpPaymentRequired Payment required
403 HttpForbidden Forbidden
404 HttpNotFound Not found
405 HttpMethodNotAllowed Method not allowed
406 HttpNotAcceptable Not acceptable
407 HttpProxyAuthenticationRequired ...
408 HttpRequestTimeout ...
409 HttpConflict ...
410 HttpGone ...
411 HttpLengthRequired ...
412 HttpPreConditionFailed ...
413 HttpPayloadTooLarge ...
414 HttpUriTooLong ...
415 HttpUnsupportedMediaType ...
416 HttpRangeNotSatisfiable ...
417 HttpExpectationFailed ...
418 HttpImATeapot ...
421 HttpMisdirectedRequest ...
422 HttpUnprocessableEntity ...
423 HttpLocked ...
424 HttpFailedDependency ...
425 HttpTooEarly ...
426 HttpUpgradeRequired ...
428 HttpPreconditionFailed ...
429 HttpTooManyRequests ...
431 HttpRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge ...
451 HttpUnavailableForLegalReasons ...

Server http status error code

Status Class Message
500 HttpInternalServerError Internal server error
501 HttpNotImplemented ...
502 HttpBadGateway ...
503 HttpServiceUnavailable ...
504 HttpGatewayTimeout ...
505 HttpVersionNotSupported ...
506 HttpVariantAlsoNegotiates ...
507 HttpInsufficientStorage ...
508 HttpLoopDetected ...
510 HttpNotExtended ...
511 HttpNetwordAuthenticationRequired ...

Non-official status codes

While their usage is not recommended, some status codes might be found in the wild (generally server status codes).

import { createHttpException, HttpServerException } from "@httpx/exception";

const nonOfficialStatusCodes = [
  [509, "Might refer to bandwidth limit"],
  [525, "Might refer to SSL Handshake Failed (ie: cloudflare)"],
  [526, "Might refer to Invalid SSL Certificate (ie: cloudflare)"],
  ["...", "..."],

const e = createHttpException(509, {
  message: "Bandwidth limit exceeded",
  // ... others properties

// e instanceof HttpServerException

// alternatively
const alternate = new HttpServerException({
  statusCode: 509,
  message: "Bandwidth limit exceeded",
  // ... others properties



This typeguard is based on a convention and might help to convert a native error to a specific HttpException.

import {
  type isErrorWithErrorStatusCode,
} from "@httpx/exception";

try {
  throw new (class extends Error {
    statusCode = 400; // <- by convention
} catch (e) {
  // will check if the value is an Error and that there's a statusCode is >=400 && <600
  if (isErrorWithErrorStatusCode(e)) {
    throw createHttpException(e.statusCode, e.message);


This typeguard is based on a convention and might help to convert an object to a specific HttpException.

import {
  type ObjectWithErrorStatusCode,
} from "@httpx/exception";

const noSuchUser = {
  statusCode: 404,
} satisfies ObjectWithErrorStatusCode;

class NoSuchItem extends DomainError implements ObjectWithErrorStatusCode {
  statusCode = 404;

if (isObjectWithErrorStatusCode(noSuchUser)) {
  throw createHttpException(e.statusCode, "Nothing");

About bundle


Level CI Description
Node CI for 18.x, 20.x & 22.x.
Browsers > 93% on 12/2023. Chrome 96+, Firefox 90+, Edge 19+, ios 15+, Safari 15+ and Opera 77+
Edge Ensured on CI with @vercel/edge-runtime.
Typescript TS 4.7+ / are-the-type-wrong checks on CI.
ES2022 Dist files checked with es-check

For older browsers:

  • 👉 Most frontend frameworks can transpile the library (ie: nextjs...)
  • 👉 You might want to add the error-cause-polyfill to support nested errors (if not present they are simply discarded - no runtime errors).

Bundle size

Code and bundler have been tuned to target a minimal compressed footprint for the browser. In ESM, typical usage the bundle size will vary between 500b to 1300b compressed (including default messages for the 43 status codes).

ESM individual imports are tracked by a size-limit configuration.

Scenario Size (compressed)
Import generic exception (HttpClientException) ~ 390b
Import 1 client exception ~ 425b
Import 2 client exceptions ~ 447b
Import 6 client exceptions ~ 515b
Import createHttpException (all 43 exceptions) ~ 1240b
Import fromJson (incl all + createHttpException) ~ 1740b
All serializer functions + exceptions + typeguards ~ 1950b

For CJS usage (not recommended) track the size on bundlephobia.


This library offers a dual cjs/esm bundle. The (optional) serializer code has been tuned to avoid issues with dual package hazards.

The export fields and the builds are checked on the CI with are-the-types-wrong.

PS: Plans to remove cjs support might land in a next major version.


This library targets typescript 5+ with descriptions (see the generated api docs).


Refer to the UPGRADE.md for detailed information.

Version Comment
3.x Serializer functions don't include stack by default
2.x Node 18.x, modern browsers (see how to transpile)


Open an issue on github.


Contributions are warmly appreciated. Have a look to the CONTRIBUTING document.


If my OSS work brightens your day, let's take it to new heights together! Sponsor, coffee, or star – any gesture of support fuels my passion to improve. Thanks for being awesome! 🙏❤️

Special thanks to

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JetBrains Embie.be


MIT © belgattitude and contributors.

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