Import GTFS transit data into SQLite and query routes, stops, times, fares and more
published version 4.15.12, a month agoBuild human readable transit timetables as HTML, PDF or CSV from GTFS
published version 2.10.9, 18 days agoGenerate geoJSON of transit route data from a GTFS file
published version 3.7.9, 3 months agoGenerate stringline charts of a transit routes from GTFS
published version 2.0.11, 2 months agoBuild a realtime transit arrival tool from GTFS and GTFS-RT.
published version 1.2.1, 2 years agoBuild GTFS-Ride data from Automated Passenger Counter (APC) data.
published version 0.2.8, 6 months agoReview GTFS stop pronunciations to determine which stops need a tts_stop_name value.
published version 0.3.1, 5 months agoFetch GTFS Realtime data and convert to JSON
published version 0.4.1, 3 months agoA service for building HTML timetables from GTFS using gtfs-to-html.
published version 1.0.5, a year agoBuild a realtime transit departures tool from GTFS and GTFS-Realtime.
published version 2.5.3, 18 days agoA minimalistic photo gallery with images stored on Amazon S3 and just the features you want.
published version 0.4.2, 9 months agoTest GTFS for accessibility information
published version 0.2.6, 3 months agoGenerate CSV of transit departure times organized by block_id in GTFS.
published version 0.3.2, 3 months ago