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437 packages found
PostCSS loader for webpack
A webpack loader for svelte
file-replace-loader is webpack loader that allows you replace files in compile time
A Smart Source Map Loader for Webpack
Webpack loader for Twig templates, based on Twing.
A webpack loader and plugin that generate SVG sprites out of a collection of SVG files used in your JS and CSS files
<div align="center"> <img width="180" height="180" hspace="10" alt="PostCSS Logo" src=""> <a href=""> <img width="200" height="200" hspac
Webpack loader for generating external svg symbol sprite files
- svg
- webpack
- webpack-loader
- svg-icons
- svg-sprites
- svg-sprite
- svg-loader
- svg-spritesheet
- webpack-svg-plugin
- svg-sprie-loader
- svg-loaders
- svg-sprite-symbols
- webpack-svg
- svg-sprite-icons
Generate SVG sprites according to entrypoint dependencies. Each page only imports its own svgs, wrapped as a sprite and optimized by svgo
PostCSS loader for webpack
SVGR webpack loader.
Plugin loader for Sanity. Resolves parts based on a declared Sanity manifest and provides infrastructure for loading the required plugins.
[![License: MIT](]( [![TypeScript](]( [![CircleCI](
A webpack loader that works as an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler which turns XML content into JavaScript during the build phase.
webpack loader for lingui message catalogs
Load markdown through remark with some react-specific features.
Webpack support for modular-css
用于过滤掉源码中的Magic Comments代码块
CSS style loader for Webpack optimized for critical path CSS rendering and isomoprhic web apps
- webpack
- webpack-loader
- webpack loader
- loader
- css
- scss
- style
- styles
- style-loader
- style loader
- react
- reactjs
- isomorphic
- universal
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