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143 packages found
Source maps support for istanbul
Sourcemap support for gulpjs.
A Smart Source Map Loader for Webpack
Generate, and decode, base64 VLQ mappings for source maps and other uses
Disable sourcemaps when building JavaScript
Resolve a chain of sourcemaps back to the original source, this fork works in a browser environment
- sorcery
- sorcery.js
- resolve
- web
- browser
- source map
- source-map
- sourcemap
- source maps
- source-maps
- sourcemaps
- chain
Karma reporter that checks coverage thresholds with coverage data generated by karma-coverage. Because it reads its data from a json file, it can also handle remapped coverage data provided by karma-remap-istanbul to allow source-map support.
Sourcemaps for Gulp
A Webpack loader that uses Istanbul to add code coverage instrumentation
- webpack-loader
- webpack
- loader
- istanbul
- coverage
- code coverage
- instrumentation
- instrumenter
- sourcemap
- source-map
- sourcemaps
- source-maps
A Vite plugin for setting up your project with Iterate AI
Update sentry artifacts
Tool for uploading project sourcemaps to Sentry
The Flare Vite plugin helps you send sourcemaps of your compiled JavaScript code to Flare. This way, reports sent using the `@flareapp/flare-client` will be formatted correctly.
AST source location detection helper for power-assert
A Babel plugin which automatically makes stack traces source-map aware
Execute multiple transformations on JavaScript sources with full sourcemaps support.
Upload sourcemaps to Iterate Cloud when building a project using webpack
Backtrace CLI for working with Javascript files.
Backtrace-JavaScript sourcemap tools
Apply a source map to a vinyl file, merging it with preexisting source maps