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360 packages found
Webpack loader and plugin to optimize (compress) images using imagemin
Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images
`pngquant` wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
A vite plugin for compressing image assets
Minify images seamlessly
imagemin + sharp Nodejs image processing tool
Easily configure imagemin to work with lint-staged
imagemin + sharp Nodejs image processing tool
imagemin CLI designed for lint-staged usage with sensible defaults
`pngquant` wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
📦 📦 unplugin compression Image Compression plugin based on squoosh and sharp
Minify Images and Icons for Web | Extension of viur-ignite-css
cwebp wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
jpegtran (part of libjpeg-turbo) bin-wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
The Webpack plugin for almost quality-lossless compression of images.
Fork of stawberri/imagemin-brunch. Simple image minification for brunch
Automates ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini for Mac to make batch optimisation of images part of your automated build process.
- advpng
- compress
- compress images
- gifsicle
- image compression
- image optimisation
- imagealpha
- imagemin
- imageoptim
- images
- jpegmini
- jpegoptim
- jpegtran
- optimise images
- View more
A `best-shot` preset for asset
Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images
vite-plugin-minipic is a helpful tool to compress images in morden vite project.