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1051 packages found
A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for React, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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An accessible and easy tab component for ReactJS
Tabs organize content into multiple sections and allow users to navigate between them.
Accessible Tabs component for React and Chakra UI
- react
- react component
- tabs
- accessible tabs
- a11y tabs
- react a11y tabs
- react accessible tabs
- react tabs
- chakra ui
- chakra
- react tabs component
- a11y
- react aria tabs
- aria
A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for Solid, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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Bootstrap components for Svelte
- svelte
- components
- sveltestrap
- bootstrap
- javascript
- accordian
- alerts
- badges
- breadcrumbs
- buttons
- cards
- dropdowns
- forms
- icons
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Zero dependency layout manager supporting tabs, grids and splitviews
- splitview
- split-view
- gridview
- grid-view
- dockview
- dock-view
- grid
- tabs
- layout
- layout manager
- dock layout
- dock
- docking
- splitter
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dock layout for react component
A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for Vue, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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Markdown enhancement plugin for vuepress
- vuepress
- vuepress2
- vuepress-plugin
- align
- attrs
- chart
- code-tabs
- container
- demo
- echarts
- flowchart
- footnote
- gfm
- image
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Zero dependency layout manager supporting tabs, grids and splitviews
- splitview
- split-view
- gridview
- grid-view
- dockview
- dock-view
- grid
- tabs
- layout
- layout manager
- dock layout
- dock
- docking
- splitter
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a simple react scrollable tabs with a lot of additional features and with fully supporting of RTL mode
Yamada UI tabs component
Tabs are containers used to organize content. They allow for quick switching between groups of contextually related content. Content is divided into different containers and each container is viewable one at a time. The user can switch between containers
A docsify.js plugin for rendering tabbed content from markdown
A markdown expands tab plugin to replace leading tabs with spaces in code blocks
Web Components & Custom Elements for Professional Web Applications
- custom
- element
- bootstrap
- chart
- treegrid
- gantt
- gantt chart
- query builder
- colorpicker
- colorpanel
- chart web component
- chart custom element
- tables
- table
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Responsive Tabs with more button
Interact and get events from Flat's Sheet Music Embed
A simple plugin to create scrollable tabs with Bootstrap 5.