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45 packages found
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A user-empowering data visualization Vue 3 components library for eloquent data storytelling
- 3d bar
- Vue
- accelerometer
- age pyramid
- annotator
- candlestick
- chart
- cluster
- dashboard
- data storytelling
- data visualization
- donut evolution
- donut
- dumbbell
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NORA Medical Imaging Viewer
A visualization for Zarr-based images based on Vizarr.
Galaxy Charts (currently just utils)
A dynamic reverse proxy for Interactive Tools in Galaxy
Galaxy Charts
JBlast - Integrated JBrowse BLAST with Galaxy (JBrowse Server Hook)
Galaxy Component for vue-next
Analyzes your code metric reports and will parse the results into Galaxy
A user-empowering data visualization Vue 3 components library for eloquent data storytelling
- 3d bar
- Vue
- accelerometer
- age pyramid
- annotator
- candlestick
- chart
- cluster
- dashboard
- data storytelling
- data visualization
- donut evolution
- donut
- dumbbell
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Galaxy client application build system
Módulo de acesso da API APOD da NASA.
Static code analysis of SC2 Galaxy Script
Galaxy Component for vue-next
Set of image files and json used to generate Galaxy new user page
Download NASA Picture of the Day from your terminal!
Npm package to control,save,retrieve and display data from sensors integrating the liquid galaxy pataform
ddp client with subs, methods, minimongo supported without much work (see readme), will not make minimongo a dep.
- ddp
- react-native
- meteor
- meteorjs
- galaxy
- atmosphere
- react
- pub-sub
- minimongo
- login
- methods
- publish
- subscribe
- caching
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