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57 packages found
Typescript type-preserving conversion of objects between camelCase and snake_case
A utility to convert a string to snake_case
A collection of handy string manipulation functions.
- string
- string-utils
- regex
- string-manipulation
- word-count
- reverse
- palindrone
- trim
- snake_case
- dot-case
- sentence-case
A collection of more than 60 often used utility JS functions that simplify frontend development.
- adblock detect
- utils
- utilities
- utility
- js util
- custom events
- cookies
- object
- css variables
- css vars
- FormData
- parse html
- deep merge
- string
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A tiny library for formatting object fields in snake case or camel case.
TypeScript case converter
- typescript
- case converter
- camel case
- camelCase
- kebab case
- kebab-case
- pascal case
- PascalCase
- snake case
- snake_case
Simple and efficient solution for converting object names or properties from camelCase to snake_case and vice versa
A comprehensive set of tools for common string manipulation tasks, such as capitalization, camelCase conversion, slug generation, and more.
A simple library to convert strings to snake_case.
A simple npm package to convert strings to different cases such as camelCase and snake_case.
Converts a kebab-case string to a snake_case string
Convert Strings/Arrays/Objects from a type of case to another one.
- caseparser
- case parser
- parser
- convert
- camel case
- snake case
- dash case
- pascal case
- upper snake case
- upper dash case
- camelCase
- snake_case
- dash-case
- PascalCase
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Typescript type-preserving conversion of objects between camelCase and snake_case
Typescript type-preserving conversion of objects between camelCase and snake_case
Typescript type-preserving conversion of objects between camelCase and snake_case
🙂format naming convention
- naming convention
- lowerCamel
- UpperCamel
- snake_case
- lowerCamelToSnakeCase
- lowerCamelToUpperCamel
- upperCamelToLowerCamel
- upperCamelToSnakeCase
- snakeCaseToLowerCamel
- snakeCaseToUpperCamel
- format
- js
- javascript
- front-end
A minimal utility function library that converts camelCase to snake_case and snake_case to camelCase.
convert a string to snake case
convert object keys from/to camelCase and snake_case
Common utils for every single day tasks
- utils
- camelCase
- camel case
- kebab-case
- kebab case
- snake_case
- Snake Case
- match all
- matchAll
- dateFormat
- isEqual
- msToTime
- time format
- uuid