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102 packages found
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Typescript type-preserving conversion of objects between camelCase and snake_case
A collection of helper functions for working with strings
convert a string to camel case
String-transform module from Glize library.
- string-transform
- text-transform
- capitalize
- camel case
- camelCase
- pascal case
- PascalCase
- kebab case
- kebab-case
- snake case
- snake_case
- glize
ESLint rules for camelCasing React props
convert object keys from/to camelCase and snake_case
Convert object to camel case.
ESLint rules for camelCasing React props
Helpful functions built on top of the mighty Ramda
- ramda
- ramdajs
- utils
- functional programming
- case conversion
- PascalCase
- camelCase
- lower first letter
- upper first letter
- classnames
- keymirror
- camelizeKeys
Common typescript ready prototypes available in both CommonJS and ECMAScript
- server-side
- client-side
- common
- typescript
- prototype
- array
- all
- any
- append
- average
- chunk
- clone
- compact
- contains
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camel-casing for postgres result field names
Convert camelCase inputs to kebab-case outputs.
Converts a string value into camel case.
Angular REST API client generator from Swagger YAML or JSON file with camel case settings
- swagger
- rest
- angular10
- angular9
- angular8
- angular7
- angular6
- angular5
- angular
- ngx
- scaffolding
- webapi
- api
- apiclient
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ExtremeJS Utilities
An extension to the `mout/lang` utilities
- bugfix
- camelCase
- check
- checks
- CommonJS
- ECMAScript
- ES
- extension
- fix
- instanceOf
- isKind
- isPrimitive
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Convert Strings/Arrays/Objects from a type of case to another one.
- caseparser
- case parser
- parser
- convert
- camel case
- snake case
- dash case
- pascal case
- upper snake case
- upper dash case
- camelCase
- snake_case
- dash-case
- PascalCase
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Recursively convert an API response to camelCase
Convert string to camelCase.
A minimal utility function library that converts camelCase to snake_case and snake_case to camelCase.